Raising Baby Chick-Along

Hey guys...its been a long journey and I am now at 5.5 weeks with a gender question...I've posted on other forums but I would like your opinion as far as raising chickies goes...its so hard to tell when they're young!
This is a 5.5 week brown leghorn...pullet or cockerel?
Hatchery sexed as a female.
And then there were three...Happily, they're different colors so far, which will make keeping track of who is who much easier! I checked the remaining eggs; the other Mad Scientist egg is pipped and chirping. The blue Olive Egger was neither, so I candled it and saw only liquid and therefore tossed it. I'm still VERY happy with the hatch rate from shipped eggs and definitely recommend MPC and their shipping/packaging!
Well I deeply appreciate your opinion. Thank you for posting. I will wait another week or so...or wait for a big "cock a doodle dooooo" before making any big decisions!
Okay, okay, don't shoot me gang, but I have to post this picture. Again. (I'm such a one trick pony -definitely going to have to acquire more stories or y'all are going to call my kids and say, "Your sweet mamma needs to go to the "home" now... is she still driving????")
CLxLeghorn...boy. all. Boy. Started working on his crow at 3 weeks.
Sadly, and maybe not sadly if he turns out to be awesome, I think your little one is probably a dude.
View attachment 1074800 And then there were three...Happily, they're different colors so far, which will make keeping track of who is who much easier! I checked the remaining eggs; the other Mad Scientist egg is pipped and chirping. The blue Olive Egger was neither, so I candled it and saw only liquid and therefore tossed it. I'm still VERY happy with the hatch rate from shipped eggs and definitely recommend MPC and their shipping/packaging!
So great! Glad it is working out so well! And, darn it all, seeing that sweet little wet baby really makes me want to get out the incubator and call wvduckchick for some Orpington eggs. Must. Resist. Must. Resist.
I can't remember if i posted pics here or not, but i had 2 broody lavender Orpingtons. One had gone through one round, and killed 3 chicks, so i started taking her eggs. She kept sitting. Then another started sitting too. So i let them keep some eggs.

Well last Saturday, 2 chicks had hatched. (these are at my farm, i only go there about every other day, neighbors check for me occasionally too) Monday, no more chicks, and they weren't on the eggs. Checked the eggs, some looked close, so i left them. Today the mommas had take the 2 little ones outside, and really left the eggs, so i pulled them. When i got home, i candled and i still see some movement! So i washed 5 of them (very dirty) and popped them in the bator. I don't really expect much, but a good experiment. :)
So great! Glad it is working out so well! And, darn it all, seeing that sweet little wet baby really makes me want to get out the incubator and call wvduckchick for some Orpington eggs. Must. Resist. Must. Resist.

Haha! I can finally start using or selling some eggs now, since the dang broodies are finally finished sitting!! :clap

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