Raising Chickens and Special Needs Kids

Look who got to stand in front of the chickens' run, visit with them, AND bring in eggs!!!

Kendra and Sweet Ida, getting acquainted.

A little unsteady - her PT is only holding on to one of her hands and has a firm grip on the belt of her braces, but she's doing carrying the egg basket with three eggs in in!

Once she understood to lean back a bit, her gait improved. I am so proud of her!!

Oh, and we bought her a slightly smaller basket for next time!
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Cynthia, thank you for this link! I just loved it! In fact, I do believe I'll post it right here so folks don't have to go to YouTube to see it!

That was so cute, I was smiling and giggling the whole time haha especially needed after the stressful/anxiety ridden day so far hah so great. That big stunt was awesome
Cynthia and I both have special places in our hearts for kids with Spina Bifida. I, too have been known to dance and sing silly songs while spinning my little granddaughter in her wheelchair, and I'm sure she did with Richard too! I'm glad the video Cynthia shared made your day a little brighter!


He's done a lot of youtube stuff. Yes, I've danced with him at home. Used to have this funny little song I would sing while he was sitting on the floor, boogy...and he would boogy!

Had my hands full once I had my fourth! Richard could never stand on his own. That's Richard in the red, and his little brother, they are just over 2 yrs. apart. Richard in Aug. Dustin in Sept. This is in the 80's.
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It's still Spina Bifida Awareness month here. Helped that get going back in the 80's. See more of the Cancer Awareness now, in Oct. A lot of pink floating around out there

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