Raising chickens in Murrieta, California


6 Years
Apr 27, 2013
Hi everyone! I live in a regular track home in Murrieta and I have 4 chickens.I was told in Murrieta that you have to have .50 acre minimum to have chickens. Our local feed store suggested that I ask my neighbors if it would be okay for me to raise chickens and they both said yes. I have two rhode islands, one polish and one silkie and I' m already in love with them! They are a little over a month old and our coop is almost finished.
Howdy from Kansas, MamaHunkle, and
! Happy you joined us! Thanks goodness for good neighbors! Best wishes!
Hello fellow Murrieta 'undercover' chicken lover and keeper. :) I have 4 chickens in our residential backyard coop. Glad to know that other people are balking the chicken rules. Our neighbors are also thrilled for our girls to start laying. We bribe them with lots of garden vegi's in the time being. Best of luck to you and your flock!

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