Random Duckiness...


Positively Ducky
11 Years
Oct 2, 2008
• My buff/khaki mix is VERY attached to a softball and keeps trying to set it. She is going to be a TERROR once she starts to lay. I may need a steel glove to collect eggs!!!

• Bungie is almost done getting his big boy feathers.

• I cleaned the pond this morning and a tiny feeder gold fish I dumped in there MANY MONTHS ago is STILL ALIVE. This must be one fast, smart fish to avoid 6 hungry ducks! I have named him Moby since he is now a WHALE! LOL! I never knew I could get Koi for 12¢ a piece

• I have been going through a lot of feed lately. I know the Welsh Harlequin girls are growing and that was part of it, but it still seamed like a LOT was disappearing. Turns out the squirrel have found the feeder and have been helping themselves. Once the security upgrades are done, this should stop. If not, it is time to build some snares!!!!
my drake mallard Chuy looks like crap right now the poor boy! His breast feathers are the gorgeous brown, and his sides are getting that white with very fine grey/black markings, no tail curl yet and only a tiny patch of greenon his head...oh and he has a very bold white area on his side coming in...he's like a puzzle peice someone dumped all over the floor. I hope he mends himself back soon because im getting impacient to see such a magnificant animal so upclose!

that is so funny about the goldfish! Yep most people dont seem to know that those goldfish (feeders) you buy at the store or win at fairs and what not get HUUUUGE if kept in perfect conditions and guess what your pond is perfect for it!
this gives me hope for my pond. I thought about putting some in there but thought it'd be usless (they'd all get eaten) now maybe only a few will get eaten an dmaybe one will one day be too big to even eat

BTW those goldfish are known as Comets
I used to be a big goldfish freak
Next year he or she will be looking for a fish mate to spawn with ;P you need to get more and you can then have a natural Comet population for yoru ducks to eat and enjoy
LOL!! JUUUST a thought
I was going to get another batch. Hopefully I will end up with a super smart breeding pair. The ducks can eat their slow, stupid children and I can create a race of super genius goldfish and take over the world. Bwaa haa haa!!!
WZ - I would love to know what kind of security measures could keep the squirrels out of the feed! Our next door neighbors have been feeding the squirrels peanuts for the past ten years. They are big and fat and there are lot of them! (ETA: Squirrels, not neighbors
) The neighbors got upset with us once because one of our cats was chasing baby squirrels.

I'll bet your buff/khaki (Ono?) willl make a good broody!
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I am totally enclosing the pen in hardware cloth. Hubby reminded me this is NOT a guarantee that the squirrels wont find a way in. We both saw a special on TV that showed how evil and smart these tree rats are. My idiot neighbors ALSO feed the squirrels.
We don't have raccoons here. I am in a suburban neighborhood. We DO have stray dogs and that is my biggest concern, but I have also smelled skunk AND there have been foxes seen a few blocks away....hence the security upgrade

As for their food, I just have a feeder full at all times. They can get to it whenever they want. They usually eat at night though since they do free range and bugs are tasty apparently

In the morning, they get hand fed a treat. This morning they got thawed out frozen peas

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