Random Flock Picture Time!


Jul 5, 2016
Hey Chickeroos,

It's time to share any picture of your flock!
If the picture has a story, be sure to include it!

Have a funny story without a picture;
Send through the story anyway, I'll definitely read it!

I'll start:
One day while riding to work, for some unknown reason I decide to go a different way which leads me through a park.

As soon as I enter the parking lot, I see this guy lying on the asphalt with his bike next to him.
I jump off my bike and approach the guy to see if he's okay.
He just told me he was riding through when he sees these two running around.

As he uncrosses his legs, these two tiny fluff balls run out and start peeping at my feet!

My chicken senses start tingling and I ask the guy what he was planning on doing with them, he just says he'd take them to a local animal shelter.

I tell him not to worry about it since I have a flock at home.

2 hours later and the babies are settling into my back yard, where my other hens are staring on in jealousy.

3 months later and they look like this:

As it turns out, they're both roosters and having roosters in a suburban area in my part of town is against the law :barnie

I end up trading both of them in for 3 gorgeous hens! Now the family is up to 6 :yesss:
This is Napoleon. He is almost two years old, and lives a princely life.
When he was a chick he was very snuggly and sweet. He loved to sleep on me inside my coat or he cuddled. It was before I knew he was a rooster that I promised him I would always love and protect him. Soon though it became evident that he was a cockerel, and I, knowing nothing of roosters, assumed he would be nice. Not so. He would peck my feet hard, and my sisters were afraid of him. My parents wanted me to give
him to a man who said he freeranges roosters. Does that sound logical? No it does not, who just freeranges a bunch of roosters? I knew that he killed them and I had made a promise to Napoleon. I managed to keep him until later that summer when we went on vacation, for two long weeks I was away for my babies! When we came back, I learned that a hawk had tried to eat some of the chickens, but then Napoleon ran out and attacked the hawk, and yanked out a tail feather. No hens were hurt and I assumed Napoleons fate was sealed. I mean, he just risked his life for the hens! It was happy and good until he learned of a great invention, Spurs. He started to attack me and my sisters but I still loved him and did everything I could to save him. My dad had actually called up the man and I was panicking, but then we left for the day and came home to feathers everywhere-the roosters and a black hens feathers. Though no hens were missing, one did have a wound in her side (not severe at all). My assumption was that a hawk came down, grabbed a hen, and then the rooster ran out and saved her. I am not entirely sure, but I think he may have fought a hawk off a third time, but anyway, he was a hero now. We didn’t get rid of him and I was completely happy. Until recently he spurred my sister in the ankle and she had to go to the hospital. Luckily there was no infection but this time I think my parents were serious. That cock has got to go! I wasn’t devastated because he and I were coming to a great understanding of each other. I sang to him, moisturized his comb when it got dry, made sure he was warm and inside when it was too cold because he gets frostbite, and tucked him in between warm hens every night. For whatever reason, we ended up keeping him. I was quiet about it, and he didn’t cause anymore trouble. He is going to be two in March and he is the bravest smartest rooster I’ve ever known. Whether it’s a butterfly, airplane, or hawk, he alerts the hens, he isn’t afraid of dogs or people, and would risk his life a million more times for the hens. He has definitely earned his right to live, and it will continue that way! And I still remember my promise to him.
Sorry that’s so long, but that’s the story that goes witht the pic!
Hey Chickeroos,

It's time to share any picture of your flock!
If the picture has a story, be sure to include it!

Have a funny story without a picture;
Send through the story anyway, I'll definitely read it!

I'll start:
One day while riding to work, for some unknown reason I decide to go a different way which leads me through a park.

As soon as I enter the parking lot, I see this guy lying on the asphalt with his bike next to him.
I jump off my bike and approach the guy to see if he's okay.
He just told me he was riding through when he sees these two running around.

As he uncrosses his legs, these two tiny fluff balls run out and start peeping at my feet!
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My chicken senses start tingling and I ask the guy what he was planning on doing with them, he just says he'd take them to a local animal shelter.

I tell him not to worry about it since I have a flock at home.

2 hours later and the babies are settling into my back yard, where my other hens are staring on in jealousy.
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3 months later and they look like this:
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As it turns out, they're both roosters and having roosters in a suburban area in my part of town is against the law :barnie

I end up trading both of them in for 3 gorgeous hens! Now the family is up to 6 :yesss:
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Great story! Even if it does kind of have a sad ending. I’m sorry you couldn’t keep them, but you got thee beautiful ladies instead! I’ll
Have to post my story in a sec.

Here are my girls: Betty, Mavis, Rita and Vera. They are the first chickens I have owned although I do have some previous experience with livestock from volunteering on a local community farm. We've had them for around 5 months now. They used to perch on top of their coop like this all the time but they never do now as they have the full run of our back garden most of the time.
I was picking cantaloupes from the garden this past summer and decided one of them was too small and probably wouldn’t have a very good taste so I gave it to the hens. After they had pecked a pretty good sized hole in it I split it into two halves, which really excited the girls. Obviously it excited my 13 month old grandson as well. He came straight over to the hens, bent down, picked up one of the halves and took a big bite. He did not want to give it back to them either. Of course I had to have a taste as well and it was wonderful. Needless to say, I won’t be tossing out the little cantaloupes anymore. Anyway, the hens had an awesome tasting cantaloupe, minus the few bites my grandson and I took. I don’t think they minded sharing though.

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