Random Things That Need To Get Done




*get a buck rag for my does

*trim goat hooves
*clean bedroom
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I need to:

build a coop.
lose 100 lbs.
get a haircut.
bulldoze the eastern end of the house and build on a new master suite and garage.
win the lottery.
finish my degree.
pave the driveway.
buy myself an island and start my own country.
get back to work.
This weekend I need to:

-complete the dig prevention skirt on the last side of the pen that now qualifies as my coop *sigh* poor girls
-move my chicken doghouse into their pen for use as a laying box (includes borrowing MIL's truck and probably FIL, as dog house has added wheels that make it wider than my truck bed and I need a hand lifting it)
-wash dishes
-vacuum all the dog hair!
-take two large blankets down the road to the laundromat to use the uber-big washers, and then hang dry them in the backyard (quarter collection is lookin good!)
-buy some groceries
-get down to my mom's to pick up some items that my sister left for me
-clean out the back of hubb's Explorer because he left the windows down and squirrels tore open a bag of chicken feed I had in the back -.-

Eventually I need to:

-get or build a bigger bookshelf
-design some way of mounting my stereo on the wall so that the floorspace can be used for the dog's bed

-warm up the incubator to set eggs later the month -- and buy a new hygrometer and sponges to use for hatching
-would like to pave the driveway, it's horrible!
-expand the chicken pen and build a better "coop"
-get a real haircut
-fix a weak spot in the floor

Realistically won't get done, but needs doing eventually:

-the deck kinda needs to be rebuilt, but it's not falling down so.....
-the house will need a roof soon, but it's not leaking.... (especially not in this drout!)
I need to box up and donate the boxes in my room.

drop off the goodwill donation stuff in the back of my car.

deposit the check. One would think that it shouldn't be this hard, or take so long to do.
I need to finish designing my Grandson's b'day invitations and get them printed
I need to get ink for the printer so I can print the invitations
WE need to get his swing set/jungle gym/thing put together (many many many pieces, and not a 1 person job)
I need to build a big chicken coop
I NEED/want to order chicks but like everyone else, it comes down to money
boy does my car need a bath
but for now... I need to put on a 2nd pot of coffee
Justbugged: your sig line reminded me of one my daughter had years ago when she was more active in her Renaissance group.

"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and go well with ketchup".
I am happy right now, I managed to complete some of the things on my list! This morning I:

-Moved the rain barrel
-Removed all the dead tomato plants from the garden
-Put fresh shavings in the coop
-Washed laundry
-Removed all the rose bush and mock orange tree trimmings from the backyard
-Cleaned up the rest of the backyard

However, I still have to:

-Till up the rest of the garden and put it to bed
-Pack for my vacation!
-Fold and put away a bunch of laundry
-Make dinner
-Stack firewood

It just never ends, does it!?
I need to....

Order curtains online (yeah, like I NEVER have the chance to do that...

Make the rest of our quail feeders

Make Halloween decorations

Make a Halloween projector show dvd

Make a dessert for dinner at a friend's house

Pick out my new monster stove

....Yay! Procrastinators Unite!!

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