Rare, mythical creature in my poultry pen (broody white leghorn).

So, we moved the chickens from the pasture into their winter coop in my parent's garage (next door to my house) and their run is our fenced garden. 2 weeks ago, I sent the 4 Chocolate cockerels to prepped for freezer camp because I decided to discontinue breeding chocolates. I kept the 2 pullets that were raised by the broody leghorn. This morning I noticed that the leghorn is still kinda sorta being mom-like to the two pullets. She was out foraging with them earlier today. They aren't always near her, but one or the other of them is often close to Mama. They are almost 5 months old now. I'm glad I kept her and let her raise the babies.
Since Trader Joe's and ALDI is basically the same store ran by two brothers from a different mother, I wonder if you can also hatch ALDI's eggs?

Only if the carton is labeled "fertile eggs". I've also found that the claim that the eggs are fertile can be dubious. One small business who supplies "fertile eggs" to the local health food store supposedly had a single roo in a pen of more than 100 hens.
When/if I place a hatchery order, I do so with the specific intent of choosing birds that will produce a sex linked bird with a small comb. Yet, the idea of hatching an egg from the store is intriguing to me. If I did so, I would either keep the resulting chicks, or rehome them based on the outcome. An other intriguing possibility would be to purchase duck eggs simply to have the experience of hatching them. Have had ducks in the past. Love their personalities, hate their mess, so won't have them again. Any ducks hatched would therefore be rehomed.

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