Rare, mythical creature in my poultry pen (broody white leghorn).

Redhead Rae

Chickens, chickens everywhere!
7 Years
Jan 4, 2017
Braxton County, WV
You guys...

I just found a rare and mythical creature in my poultry pen this evening.

I... have a broody..... white..... leghorn.....

It isn't even one of my leghorn crosses. This is one of my pure leghorns. Weird right?

I'm wondering if I should give her some incubator chicks or eggs to hatch herself.
So, quick update.

I went out about 30 min before dark to give the babies to her. I wanted to watch and see if she would accept them. When I put the first baby in, she was shocked, but when I went to put the second baby in she flipped out and flew out of her nest box scattering the two babies. This is the way she's been any time I've gotten near the nest, she runs, squawking madly. So I decided to remove the eggs, put the babies in the nest and see what happens. She didn't want to go back in, and the babies were trying to crawl out of the box. So I caught her, putting babies back in the box as they kept popping out and shut her in. I wasn't too worried because she started making broody clucking noises. I peaked a couple times and she almost escaped again when I tried moving a chick back under her. So I left her alone for a bit and focused on putting the rest of the birds to bed. When I came back, this was her response to me trying to take a video of the chicks underneath her. She went from flighty to bitey. She didn't like my trying to move her to take a look at her babies.
I have a Buff Orp who hatched eggs and adopted 4 extra chicks last week.

I have another Buff Orp who has been broodyish for the last few weeks but I didn't have a place to settle her. I have her 4 incubator babies today and she is happy.

I have a Dark Cornish on her own eggs which are due next weekend

AND I have a Dominique and the WL that are going broody.

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