Rare, mythical creature in my poultry pen (broody white leghorn).

Redhead Rae

Chickens, chickens everywhere!
7 Years
Jan 4, 2017
Braxton County, WV
You guys...

I just found a rare and mythical creature in my poultry pen this evening.

I... have a broody..... white..... leghorn.....

It isn't even one of my leghorn crosses. This is one of my pure leghorns. Weird right?

I'm wondering if I should give her some incubator chicks or eggs to hatch herself.
I have a Buff Orp who hatched eggs and adopted 4 extra chicks last week.

I have another Buff Orp who has been broodyish for the last few weeks but I didn't have a place to settle her. I have her 4 incubator babies today and she is happy.

I have a Dark Cornish on her own eggs which are due next weekend

AND I have a Dominique and the WL that are going broody.

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