Rare, mythical creature in my poultry pen (broody white leghorn).

Well, the broody leghorn now has a place in a broody pen and is sitting on fake eggs. I decided to incubate the eggs in the incubator for several reasons
  • I'm having fertility issues with my Choc Orp cock. So I want to be able to remove any infertile eggs easily.
  • I've had rotten eggs in each of the 3 broody nests I've had so far this summer. I think it sometimes gets too hot and some of the eggs die and then go bad. Why they couldn't go broody in the spring......
Well, I have 5 little babies hatching right now (3 internally pipped, 2 externally pipped) for her. She has been diligently sitting on her fake eggs and has even started pulling out her soft downy feathers to line the nest. I hope she takes the babies! They should be ready for her tomorrow night if all goes well.

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