Advice please?
My chicken run is invaded with rats. I shot one with my pellet gun ( and I'm almost 100% sure it died ) and trapped one with my old rat trap ( 100% dead, sorry no pics) There are a lot of rat holes and stuff where they are happily eating left over chicken food in my run EVERY NIGHT. The security like I have (which I originally put up to alert me when a raccoon came) comes on like....20 times per night! I'm looking for advice, not a fight on different traps that people use, etc. Your ideas are welcome, but please NO arguing!
My chicken run is invaded with rats. I shot one with my pellet gun ( and I'm almost 100% sure it died ) and trapped one with my old rat trap ( 100% dead, sorry no pics) There are a lot of rat holes and stuff where they are happily eating left over chicken food in my run EVERY NIGHT. The security like I have (which I originally put up to alert me when a raccoon came) comes on like....20 times per night! I'm looking for advice, not a fight on different traps that people use, etc. Your ideas are welcome, but please NO arguing!