Rat Problem



Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
Advice please?

My chicken run is invaded with rats. I shot one with my pellet gun ( and I'm almost 100% sure it died ) and trapped one with my old rat trap ( 100% dead, sorry no pics) There are a lot of rat holes and stuff where they are happily eating left over chicken food in my run EVERY NIGHT. The security like I have (which I originally put up to alert me when a raccoon came) comes on like....20 times per night! I'm looking for advice, not a fight on different traps that people use, etc. Your ideas are welcome, but please NO arguing!
After a while they do work the traps out!

Get a CAT! no. 1 solution, keep the cat happy and you will never see another rat again.

Thanks for the reply, but I already have two indoor cats and I don't agree with outdoor cats (unless they are barn cats). And I don't need another cat right now so that isn't solution. Thanks anyway!
I also highly suggest the rat proof feeder suggested in the article! I love mine and it totally does the job! Waste proof, weather proof, rust proof, water proof, tip proof, rat proof, holds a bunch of feed, and easy to teach to use! Be aware though, it does ship from New Zealand though, so may take awhile to come.

Okay, but how expensive is it? 😬
Thanks for the reply, but I already have two indoor cats and I don't agree with outdoor cats (unless they are barn cats). And I don't need another cat right now so that isn't solution. Thanks anyway!

Yeah OK it was just a suggestion. Cats I know are indoor with outdoor access, so don't yours catch rats?

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