Rat Snake killing my half grown hens

My husband has read that snakes don't like cat litter and cinnamon. But he also let them out today and we won't be home till late tonight. He let them out because he thinks this stuff is going to work.
I had already decided that I would put them up higher when they were drowsy ... but guess we will see if this concoction will work. I'm really worried.
I don't want to do fake eggs... don't want to torture them.
Thank you all for 'listening' sharing and helping.
I've never heard about cinnamon, but moth balls work. Just be sure to put them where your hens can't get to them
Bryan, living with snakes is one hellava ride. Most species in the lower 48 states only interact with chickens as food for chickens. Many species exist and most too small to consume even a bantam's egg. Alternative predators already present in most situations but few have ability to actually get into mouse made tunnels like a snake. Also, domestic cats, which is easy to promote plays hell on other wildlife like songbirds and rabbits.
I don't kill them unless they are poisonous. I have small children playing in the yard and my cats have a penchant for getting bit by the small copperheads. My pens are hardware cloth on all sides so that helps. I have to hide the good snakes from my husband though! He thinks the only good snake is a dead snake.
Could you provide a picture of one of your small copperheads? They used to play hell on our beagles and coonhounds during summer but never lost any dogs to bite despite their getting swollen and very sick. People get bitten by poisoinus snakes in two states I have lived in and no deaths have resulted.
I don't have a picture. Haven't seen one recently. I will watch for one. They wreak havoc on my small cats. If I see them get bitten I can pump benadryl in them and they fare pretty well. The last one bitten was in the face and once the swelling went down the cat lost the fur on it's face and was bald! Horrendous! My cats are positive for feline leukemia and that makes it a bit more dicey for them to deal with the venom also.

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