Rats Rats And More Rats

Just got back from watching the season finale of LOST (I freakin' love that show) and went to go check on the bait blocks. I saw at least 4 little ones scurry away and then a big adult (probably mom). At least 1.5 blocks had already been eaten. I sure hope they are ALL sharing and not letting anybody go unfed!!!

I'm still going to put out traps. I've got peanut butter out there but have not takers. Any other favorite trap baits people have had a lot of success with?
Too dark here yet but in about an hour I am hoping to go out and find some rat rocks in my yard!!!!
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Thanks for posting the instructions....Hubby made one, but he made a mistake and cut out both sides of the soup can.....no wonder it didn't work. I also like the ramp on the side of the bucket.....
Went out and checked this AM: 2 whole blocks devoured and the tops of the other two were nibbled off.

I had 2 spring traps set and both were sprung, but no bodies in them! This keeps happening and I don't understand why.

Do you think it is the rats springing the traps and not getting caught, or something else going on?
tie bait to treadle (raw bacon wrapped around treadle and secured with a section of pipe cleaner - wrapped around several times). Make the rat work for it.... WHACK!

Just a thought.
Works here, but we only get these guys when the grain bins up the road are emptied out; not quite the load you seem to have (but all the bait munching you describe might retire your problem pretty soon).
We had some trouble last year with mice around the house (inside & out). I ordered this stuff you sprinkle around the outside of your house - it contains dried urine from animals that eat mice/rats, etc. It seems to have worked. Will probably have to get more this year.

Here's the web address:


We had good luck with it - you can't really smell anything unless you get really close to the ground.....

What is a deer mouse???

I have tons of tiny little mice that I've just been referring to as field mice. I bet they are only 2" long, including the tail! Some are so tiny, they don't even set off those slap traps when I put them in the house - yes, they come inside too.

I have lots of tunnels all through the barn but I also have black snakes. I'm not thrilled when I see the snakes and will never be able to get rid of the, but they do help control the mice in a natural way.

One word about using poison, which I've been tempted to do, that is does pose a secondary hazard of another animal ate the animal that was killed with poison. This is the main reason I don't use any...and that I'd be afraid one of my pets would get into it somehow.

So...are my mice deer mice???
The best way to rid your farm of mice, rats and pocket gohers is this..guaranteed!


But, i dont think its easy to share him.

PC read the road map to my farm last fall. I had pocket gophers in the front yard. One lazy saturday morning, we saw him stalk and kill one. It wasnt long after they were all gone.

This helps too. As you can see, BB hasnt missed many meals.

They leave me the remnants in front of the garage, driveway..etc
LOL!!! Love the cat!!! I have an outside cat but he is afraid of the dog in the backyard so the front yard is probably mouse free but no the back...and I did not see one mouse/rat on it's back with legs in the air in my backyard!!! Wonder how long that stuff takes to work? There was ALOT missing from the plates so hopefully they ate like pigs and maybe died under the shed.....no torn open eggs today so that is good!!
Dogzrule5 - There are lots of species of rodents no matter where you live. To describe a deer mouse to you wouldn't do much good - Most look pretty similar.
Check out a mammal field guide to see what I'm talking about.
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