Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinager

Would anyone happen to know if this is ok for ducks to? I read that you shouldn't put vitamins in the water when using the ACV but what about sprinkling brewers yeast on their food? Or would you encounter the same problems??
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

I'm sure they'd be fine. I used to give it to my Quail/Guineas etc.

Thanks for the quick reply! I'll try it for them as soon as i get home. Cleaning the water daily is not so much fun so hopefully this will help.​
How often do you give this to chickens, is it daily, once a week, once a month?
how much of it per litre of water?

is it safe to use on a bird with sour crop?
For those of you who live in the areas of apple orchards, ask during apple season if they have homemade apple cider. If you can get some BEFORE it's pasteurized, that's the real thing. If you can resist drinking it ( we buy multiple gallons), let it sit in a cool place and ferment. First you get fizzy cider- yum yum. Then you get cider with a real *scratch*-- not for the faint-hearted! Finally, the fermentation turns it into vinegar. Once it's vinegar, it will last almost forever and the mother settles to the bottom. Old settlers used to make barrels of it for man and beast.
Pasteurized apple cider just loses something, just like pasteurized milk. You can use it, but it's not just the same.
I've heard that some states have made it illegal to sell it without pasteurization. If that's the case, you can juice apples and filter out the solids and go from there to get some starter.
We just found an old farmer who still has a cider press. Hope he lives forever!

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