Rcom king suro. Humidity help


5 Years
Mar 8, 2015

I have a Rcom king suro incubator that controls humidity through a pump. Can anyone guide me on how to control the humidity and keep it at a steady percentage. Please let me know!!! i normally dry incubate lately its been dropping to 14 percent, is that too low? And if humidity fluctuating majorly is that a problem? Need reply ASAP
Is the pump primed? It takes quite a bit of pushing the + button to get it until the water actually reaches the machine.

Its pumping the water every minute. I just want it to pump enough to keep the humidity steady at around 30%
I think its fine now. I set the pump on 20% and ever since its been over 20% it stopped pumping. Thanks so much fo your help. Really appreciate you replying back quickly and effectively.

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