ReAcclimating into flock

Nov 8, 2019
I would like to reacclimate both my injured (but healing) chicken, and my shy chicken back into the flock. But so far attempts have failed. Both of these lady birds were part of the flock since they hatched. They also became the lowest on the totem pole in the flock over time. It seemed as though the flock barely tolerated them. After the one was injured, and I pulled the two out for shared comfort while (I tended to the injured for 3 weeks) neither want to go back near coop when I started letting them out. I have allowed them to follow me into chicken yard so they were around and about, but the flock was aggressive to them both. Now the two don’t even want to come out of the basement at all. They like their special little home that was a temporary hospital unit. Anyone have advice?
I kept two hens separate for many months once, because one had been severely injured by a rooster, and the one I separated her with was her best friend, who I knew wouldn't peck at her. They were a bit older than the others, so I called it the retirement home. I set up a separate coop and run right next to the rest of the flock, actually did it within the same run with fence divider. It worked great for me. Then a time came when everyone was hanging together at the fence line, and I decided to see if they wanted to integrate. I opened a door between the runs and all was fine, even though everyone went back to their own coops at the end of the day.

Is this a possibility for you? I like it because now I have that run for anytime I need to separate anyone.
Being raised together, or even having previously belonged to the flock is a moot point. Chickens do not tolerate new birds to the flock. And their memories are short term. I never separate birds, as I think it causes more problems then it is worth.

The see/no touch might work if you really do have enough space, but it is going to take a lot of time. My point is, those birds probably were not getting along too well in that flock before the separation. I think it might be better if you don't try and force them back in.

My question is how much space do you have? I am thinking that if your flock that is out in the coop is getting along, and happy. I would think seriously of letting this pair go on to someone else. Maybe someone that just wants a pair of birds.

I always solve for the peace of the flock. I think I would sell these two birds. Or build them another coop/run. They were low in society when they left, they were probably victims of the more aggressive chickens, that is the only position that will be available to them when you put them back.

If your other chickens are getting along much better, I would think that number of birds is a better fit for your coop/run set up.

Mrs K
Another option if you have the space for it, is to just give the two of them their own mini set up instead of trying to force them back into the flock, since they were already having issues with the flock before.

I've always housed any bird in need of treatment in the run, so reintegrating was simple as opening the cage door and letting them rejoin the others.
Another option if you have the space for it, is to just give the two of them their own mini set up instead of trying to force them back into the flock, since they were already having issues with the flock before.

I've always housed any bird in need of treatment in the run, so reintegrating was simple as opening the cage door and letting them rejoin the others.
x2 ^^ I would give them their own space.

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