Ready or not!

I am happy to say we have three “quackers” in the house!! Haha

So they should all be females! Very happy with that. Also, one tried to “fly” down the basement stairs to get to her sister....all are safe, but I doubt she’ll try that one again. Lol clumsy girl.
Anyone else have ducks that were afraid of the pool? My girls won’t go near the pool in their new run even though they’ve been in a kiddie pool in our yard every day ...also seem to just stay in the corner. Must just be scared, but I thought they’d be so excited to be outside! Some pictures during the construction
5A314427-2740-4823-BD4D-4E3E1A0601B8.jpeg F83ECBB7-B621-4A45-8244-08328DA3B873.jpeg 0B377626-180D-4252-A5E8-11065B2357E3.jpeg 7FF5B082-1073-49BE-B4E8-521178FD6B34.jpeg
Looks good, but you know it takes time for them to get use to anything new, new pool new house new yard. lol New anything. So just give them time. if you have dried meal worms you might entice them to get into the pool by tossing them close to the pool and then toss some on top of the water.

I really like your lil coop and run but I have to tell you chicken wire won't keep predators out it only keeps our birds in. Hardware ware cloth is the only thing that will keep predators out unless you have bears.
Looks good, but you know it takes time for them to get use to anything new, new pool new house new yard. lol New anything. So just give them time. if you have dried meal worms you might entice them to get into the pool by tossing them close to the pool and then toss some on top of the water.

I really like your lil coop and run but I have to tell you chicken wire won't keep predators out it only keeps our birds in. Hardware ware cloth is the only thing that will keep predators out unless you have bears.

Thanks! This one was called poultry wire (which now with a google search I notice is the same thing) but was much smaller than what they labeled as “chicken wire” here so we wrapped it all around over top and bottom. Our yard is fenced by stockade fence and sunken rail road ties so the only thing we’ve had in the yard is a ground hog because we have three dogs, but raccoons could be possible. No bears thankfully since we live in the city. Now I’m wishing we did the whole thing in hardware cloth. I felt like if it kept out three pit bulls and hawks it would evade any trouble. :barnie Back to the drawing board lol
Well, here it goes. I work for a dog rescue so I'm used to getting calls about puppies, cats and dogs, but today my first call came in about an orphaned duckling. This siblings were all hit by a car on the local freeway and a friend took this lone baby in overnight. No momma duck in sight. He is much too small to be put in with my month old girls, but will he be ok alone in their old brooder? I've read I can put a mirror and toys in to keep him company. Would it be better to raise and release since it's a wild mallard? Not sure the protocol.
Yes a stuffed toy and a mirror would keep the lil one company and call your vet or someone knowledgeable about a wild life rescue in your area they should take the duckling since it's wild. Here in NC we have Carolina Water fowl rescue you might be able to contact them and they can help you find a rescue in your area. So sad the others all got killed.
Yes a stuffed toy and a mirror would keep the lil one company and call your vet or someone knowledgeable about a wild life rescue in your area they should take the duckling since it's wild. Here in NC we have Carolina Water fowl rescue you might be able to contact them and they can help you find a rescue in your area. So sad the others all got killed.

Thank you! Just called our local wildlife rehab and I will bring him there! It appears to be a wood duck.

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