Ready Set Hatch! Set 3/17 Hatch 4/7 - ready now! Hatch-Along

Well, about to go to bed.

Had trouble keeping busy today (to make time go faster lol) Found myself on a long run with a friend. 9k's later and I realise I am not as fit as I was last time I was running hahahaha. Anyway, got the job done. To fill the afternoon I decided to begin getting the mobile coop ready for our month old chicks from last hatch. So that is set up ready for day visits from our other six.

Tonight, we got down to candling this clutch. 18 eggs in total. Had one we were not too sure about, but we have put all of them back in case we were wrong. Will pull the clears next candle (Day 14)

So, we set;
6 Silver Penciled Wyandotte: 3 clear, 1 unclear. 2 good
2 Barnevelder's: 2 Good
4 Australorp: 1 Clear, 3 Good

as well as we have on Day 4;
6 Lavender Araucana: 1 Clear, 5 Good

So far, we are pretty happy. Will feel more comfortable at the next candle as progress is far more easy to see between the two.

CLIFFS: Set 18, Day 7 candle 13 Viable.

Didn't get any pictures or video's.

Sorry! I was waiting to hear how yours went - but you said you were going to bed! So I went back and realized you must've been posting while I was writing mine. That's wonderful! I'm so glad that since you only got 2 BV that both are good. Looks like there's potential for quite a few new chicks for the family!
HAPPY!!!! Just finished candling. I regret my camera is not up to the job - won't "not" flash for still shots. I did video some but it's blurry, so for the sake of your eyestrain I won't post - but it was great! Hahaha. So here's the run down for our day 7 candling:
4 silkies shipped - 3 clear, 1 very good development
4 bluebells - all good
9 mixed from our own - 100% good!
8 assort marans - 6 good, 2 too dark to see
Fyi... Ladyrsanti - both WM show veins and movement.

So...the only definate clears are 3 shipped silkies, and then 2 unknowns due to shell color. I was hoping my projector would see through but not yet. I'll try again on day 10 on those. On the other dark eggs I could see chickies moving around but not many veins.
So of 25 total, 20 good, 3 bad, 2 unknown.

Awesome! I'll be candling tomorrow night. It's killing me not knowing if they're developing or not but hearing that yours are helps immensely. :) Thanks for the update!
Can I join?  This is pretty close to when my eggs should be hatching!  ETA:  One difference, is I have NO IDEA what I'm doing.  Glad I read something about candling...I need to do that and completely forgot.  My eggs have only been in for 5 days though and I've FINALLY gotten the temp and humidity regulated.

I am only on my second hatch !!
And a lil WARNING this hatching stuff is really
Addicting !! Lol
Good afternoon all!!!!
Well it's a great windy freezing spring day in the ozarks!!!! Can hardly wait till 70-80 deg weather is here to stay for a while!!!
Also can hardly wait until tomorrow I am wanting to see in all those eggs!!! Temps are holding really steady now!!!!
And Mrs Pam we would LOVE to see your homemade bator!!!!

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