Ready Set Hatch! Set 3/17 Hatch 4/7 - ready now! Hatch-Along

So far so good - no adjustments needed so I will hopefully be able to sleep tonight! I'm going to look for a higher lumens flashlight tomorrow. I doubt my current one will work with those dark eggs. I tried before setting them and could barely see the air cells.
Welcome Allmychickens!

Well, first night down. I think I did well only getting up twice to check on the incubator hahahaha

Turner is working right, so tonight should be better knowing that. 6 sleeps until we candle.
not here in washington lol here it is 8:17 on the 17th
When you wrote that, it was 11:45 am, Monday 18th here...bit of a time difference!

I know some of the torches work really well for candling. I saw a youtube video where a lady had a piece of foam with a hole in the center, worked really well on top of a normal torch.

I made my own one from a postage box. I stick a 60W globe in the socket, and egg over the hole and can see really well. I have not tried anything as dark as a Maran egg, but our worked for us. Can see the entire white eggs very easily.

Some foil tape to reflect inside helped.

My wife did not seem so impressed when she went looking for the lounge room lamp switch and it was not there...although the shade was hahahaha. I put it back after Day 18 lol
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Haha - things come up missing around my house too, re-purposed. I made a candling box last hatch but my flashlight was actually preferable. Works great on regular brown eggs but I really want to know what's going on in those dark ones :)
Woke up today and rushed out to check on the eggs... exactly how I left them. Not even the slightest temp fluctuation. More old incubator was a constant battle. Wow - happy!
That's great news.

We are happy with our too. Our old Hovabator was such a stressful struggle to maintain. This DIY one has been pretty steady.

After this sleep, it's only 5 more until that candle. If you ladies cave on Day 5 I will struggle to maintain will power for another 2 days!
me too!!! It's too early for mine so I'm jealous - what day are yours on? I will try to resist til day 7 but may cave on day 5. The kids love to watch and take notes for me about each egg.

Tonight will be day 2. I usually candle on Days 3, 7, 10, 14, and 18....but since there are so many I think I'll wait until Day 7 this time. It'll be hard though!
GAHH!!!! I came home today and found that the incubator had come unplugged. i interigated all of the members of the household and have come down to a single suspect... CORI! my 3 year old cockapoo had suposedly been sleeping near the crime scene. SHe is the only one who had been within the close radius! Please let the chickies live!!!!

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