Heddie, the chicken that just last week got attacked by my dog and survived with nothing more than ruffled feathers, just started lowering herself when my husband reaches for her! Then two others did it! They are almost 18 weeks old and have the biggest reddest faces.
How soon should I expect an egg? They are allowed to roam under their coop - should I block it off for a while so they realize where the nest box is? Is there anything else I should do in preparation?
Can I keep feeding them grower until all of them are laying or should I switch to layer as soon as the first one lays?
How soon should I expect an egg? They are allowed to roam under their coop - should I block it off for a while so they realize where the nest box is? Is there anything else I should do in preparation?
Can I keep feeding them grower until all of them are laying or should I switch to layer as soon as the first one lays?