Real Talk Please/Best Euthanization Method

I would not give them a sleeping pill. They really won't be that upset. Catching them can be upsetting, if so, just pull them off the roost at dark. They are rather naturally comatose in the dark.

And if your DH is doing this, he needs to do this the way he feels most comfortable.

Mrs K
Thank you! We’re not at the point yet with any of my girls but I do have one that isn’t well. To have a method would take some pressure and worry off of me. I don’t want them to suffer. I’ll share all of these ideas with him and let him choose. Thank you again so much! A sad but needed to be discussed topic! I can’t afford to bring every sick chicken to the vet to be euthanized. 😂💕🐓
also just so folks know - many (if not most) vet clinics will do a 'compassionate euthanasia' even if they do not treat chickens as patients. It can be calm, affordable and non stressful. They may even be able to come to you if they travel. Just a thought for many.
also just so folks know - many (if not most) vet clinics will do a 'compassionate euthanasia' even if they do not treat chickens as patients. It can be calm, affordable and non stressful. They may even be able to come to you if they travel. Just a thought for many.
Thank you! I’ve called my closest vet which doesn’t do this. The closest one is 45-60 min away. I worry about the stress my girl would go through on that drive.. office etc. She has never left her yard or flock before. Also the “compassion euthanasia” is nearly $200 😭 A vet that would come to me for a small fee would be ideal but I don’t think that exists near me. Oh how I wish!!
I've broken the neck and broomsticked before. If you pull too hard, the head will come off, but end result will still be achieved. Both birds that I've euthanized were weak/injured enough that they didn't fight it at all, which is pretty good confirmation that they were done for. In the first situation, the bird was mortally wounded by a hawk and I couldn't wait for hubby to get home in 30-60 minutes, so I did it myself. After that, I figured it was better for me to do it anyhow, to save him from being upset, so I guess it'll continue to fall on me in the future.
I've broken the neck and broomsticked before. If you pull too hard, the head will come off, but end result will still be achieved. Both birds that I've euthanized were weak/injured enough that they didn't fight it at all, which is pretty good confirmation that they were done for. In the first situation, the bird was mortally wounded by a hawk and I couldn't wait for hubby to get home in 30-60 minutes, so I did it myself. After that, I figured it was better for me to do it anyhow, to save him from being upset, so I guess it'll continue to fall on me in the future.
I applaud you for your bravery! I feel like I could do it as well in an emergency situation but whew I’m hoping I don’t have to! 💕
We had to put my very loved hen down last summer. Unfortunately the traveling vet couldn’t get us in in time.
I held her and my husband tried the cervical dislocation. It was our first time and it didn’t work. The second try worked… and boy was it traumatizing. I cried for months and months after. I wish I would have taken her to another vet to be put down.

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