Really upset! Re: Neighbor & hunting

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I dont blame you for being upset ,gritty..
We have hunters that come here every year and hunt on the "town" property at the end of my road. I'm the last house on the road..and i always cringe when i hear the rifles going off...
One day a guy shot in the woods right aganist my house.. My flippin windows shook he was so close.(to be fair to him he didnt see my house..cause he was down a little hill and my house was right at the top of the hill at the woods line..scary how close he shot to my house though)... and then his darn dog was running loose all around my house in the woods scaring my goats. (dont think that guy will be back around here though.. lol..)
Every year i always say that i'm going to go down there where they're hunting with some pots and pans and make a hell of a racket to scare off the critters....
But then again..i dont want to get shot on accident either...*sigh*
Maybe i'll get some orange hunting clothes so they can see me..
I dont know... wish they'd go hunt somewheres else though... they arent even supposed to be hunting there cause its town property...
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chickensducks&agoose :

I hate confrontation. SO what I'd do, is I'd call her and say that I'd mentioned it to DH, and he said that it probably wasn't a good idea, since he's got cows on the land, and that he was sort of enjoying watching the deer herd, but if he changed his mind, you'd call and let her know. That way, it's not like you're saying 'NO', you're just not as clued into the cow/deer situation as DH.

Nooooo! This is what I really meant!
Sorry, I'm a mess today.
chickensducks&agoose :

I hate confrontation. SO what I'd do, is I'd call her and say that I'd mentioned it to DH, and he said that it probably wasn't a good idea, since he's got cows on the land, and that he was sort of enjoying watching the deer herd, but if he changed his mind, you'd call and let her know. That way, it's not like you're saying 'NO', you're just not as clued into the cow/deer situation as DH.

Thats what i'd say too...​
You didn't give her permission to hunt on your land during the first conversation. Granted, you didn't say no, but sounds like DH is saying she wouldn't do it without permission.

I hope DH will have another conversation with her; I'm sure he will handle it just fine. Meanwhile, you're upset, but I think in the end you'll see it as having no control over what she does on her property to "your" deer.

Sorry you are going through this. I love to watch deer, too; wish they came out a little more often around here.
I realize deer don't respect property lines and it's hard for me to explain...but it's okay if the deer cross onto her place and she shoots them. Just not on this land, this place where I have found peace and serenity for the first time in my life. I'd like to think that the deer are free from some of the fear of hunting on this place.
By the way, we have a buck with a 10 point rack on this place. I am in awe of him; could watch him for hours if it were possible. The guys DH work with beg him each year to come up here and hunt. He flat out tells them no. We have cows, free range chickens and two dogs. I refuse to worry about their safety while on land we own.
Here's the deal. You did everything properly. You told her that hunting on your property is not O.K. You also gave her permission to track any wounded deer that entered your property. I feel that was also the proper accepted thing to do. You know that you can't stop her from shooting deer on her property. Hopefully the cover on your property is thick enough that the deer choose to bed there throughout the hunting season. By placing feed in the cover you can encourage them to stay on your place. Deer know where they are safe. About a mile from my house there is a ridge that fronts a country road. The ridge is heavily developed affording no hunting possibility. In a hay field that parallels this ridge I once counted 52 deer. Hopefully your favorites will survive.
About the outsider thing- we've lived in our home for 45 years and are still viewed as outsiders.
I love being on the outside.
I've got some neighbors that were sitting out on their deck with their kids when a bullet whizzed by one of the kids. My neighbor immediately sought out the source. It was the renters in the orchard below them. They were taking shots at squirrels. Some time later my same neighbors dog ended up with a bullet in it's side. Recently heard gun shots and called to find out what was going on. Same crazy people in the orchard shooting randomly to scare birds night!!

I don't think it's a good idea to hunt anywhere near homes or where people are known to be. What kind of a hunt is that anyhow? Drive up, point your rifle out the window...guess everything has to come easy these days.
It took alot of brainstorming on my part to come up with a place where I could feed the deer and put out a mineral block for them without the cows being able to get to it, but I finally did figure out a place where the cows never go.
Maybe I should move the feed just a bit further into the woods (further from her fence line).

Edited for clarity.
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I realize deer don't respect property lines and it's hard for me to explain...but it's okay if the deer cross onto her place and she shoots them. Just not on this land, this place where I have found peace and serenity for the first time in my life. I'd like to think that the deer are free from some of the fear of hunting on this place.
By the way, we have a buck with a 10 point rack on this place. I am in awe of him; could watch him for hours if it were possible. The guys DH work with beg him each year to come up here and hunt. He flat out tells them no. We have cows, free range chickens and two dogs. I refuse to worry about their safety while on land we own.

Believe me I know how you're feeling....I used to be the same way and still am to some extent. This year for the first time in many years we're allowing one guy and his 13 year old son to hunt on our land in one pasture. He has a tree shear and he's doing some tree removal in that pasture. It will save my husband hours and hours of doing it with a chainsaw. For years we had a doe that spent time along the creek to the west of our house and I looked forward to seeing her and her fawn.....unfortunately she didn't stay there and this spring we didn't see anything of her or any fawns.....I suppose she was taken last hunting season. When I was a kid it was very rare to see any whitetails and I considered our pastures a sanctuary for them, but now they've become a nuisance in our area because there's so many of them.
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