Really upset! Re: Neighbor & hunting

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Don't you dare apologize for being who you are! Who you are is an awesome, caring, incredibley humorous, helpful, WONDERFUL person!
Not to stir my own pot, at all! but I do have a genuine question for you. A simple question from a non-hunter to a hunter.

How is my feeding the deer different from the hunters feeding the deer? They surely aren't able to kill every deer that comes to their feeders and their feeders are everywhere. To buy corn for the deer I only have to go as far as the sporting goods dept. at our local walmart. I don't buy the deer-caine or deer crack or anything like that, also available at the walmart.

Not that poster, but here in MI, feeding deer is banned, with a nice fine. There is the concern of spreading TB here, and to a very limited amount (which caused the ban), CWD. So, no baiting, feeding, feeders etc or anything that would encourage deer nose to nose contact.

I've heard of cases of folks getting prosecuted for "baiting" because the deer were eating from their bird feeders, or even, eating dropped apples.

Better safe than sorry, it's best to check your state laws, and usually the DNR site. I've heard but can't cite that 27 states now ban baiting/feeding either all the time or some of the time.

Thank you for your answer.
Feeding deer (for hunting) is legal here:
seen the feeders for sale at the pawn/gun shop, the farmers co-op, the feed store, atwoods, and walmart. Walmart also sells a whole range of other stuff for attracting them.
I was just curious and you satisfied my curiosity. Thank you again.
Grits, it is nice to know that I am not the only one that gets teary at the sight of road kill. It makes me cry almost everytime...well... except for possum road kill. But I really hate possums. (People pulled over for funeral processions is the other one that gets me. I bawl like a baby despite the fact that I never know the deceased. It is just touching.)

It is your life, my dear, and you should live it how you like. No apologies needed. That, I think, is the best part of getting old. I get to do and feel how I like with no worries about what the rest of the world thinks.
One of the things that I strangely miss about my hometown, Asheville, NC, is everyone pulling over to the side of the road for funeral processions. I've seen big burly men get out of their vehicles, remove their caps and bow their heads. It's touching.

I don't have a problem with possums and I always say a quick prayer whenever I see roadkill, that their next existence will have a better outcome.

No need for so much sentiment about the deer, the woman, hunting ethics, etc.

As you have read already, it is your land, and you said no, so no means no. End of story.

I did find it funny that your husband was OK with her killing ground squirrels, (I'm guessing they aren't on your or his, "animals that I love" list, like the deer), but even that is your call as the landowner.

No need to rant over this. I'm guessing you have other emotions about this woman, or aren't talking the same language as your husband when the topic of hunting comes up.

Just my opinion, but they aren't "your" deer, even if they're standing on your land. All you can do is restrict or disallow hunting on your property. Regardless of individual opinions, in most states east of the Mississippi, deer populations need to be managed due to increased food supplies and human encroachment on original range.

Unfortunately, an often unexplored option for many others here is to have a relationship with a respectful, safe hunter, (yes there are lots of us out there), who close gates, don't take unsafe shots, don't litter or cause problems with neighbors.

I'm guessing you eat some of your chickens and their eggs, (maybe I'm wrong), so I'm curious why you say, "I don't eat venison". Do you not like the taste or is it simply because you think nobody should kill them?

Good luck with your situation,

I have to agree with this. We seem to have such a hard time saying "no" without feeling defensive and over explaining. That said, you also wish to keep the herd safe. There is nothing wrong with you simply telling her that you really love the herd and would like them to live. She will do whatever she'll do after that, but you've been clear.
I don't see why you are all upset with the lady. She did not trespass on your land. She did in fact ask your permission and was politely denied. I don't get the feeling she will be a problem to you. A lot of posters here are telling you that it is your property and your right to not allow hunting, as if this woman has all intentions to hunt your land. In your original post you made it very clear that she will not hunt your land. So I just don't understand why posters are making a mountain out of a mole hill. The way I see it they are in a manner of speaking flaming this post. Please understand I am in noway flaming this post. Just stating the obvious.
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