Recommend/tell me about some great chicks for egg layers


8 Years
Mar 24, 2011
After these bantams are ready to move on to the coop, I need to get some large egg layers, I have some Red Stars/RSL (5) and I love my girls so very sweet, and I get about 5 eggs a day total from them...wouldn't mind getting more than that. What are some good layers that are cuddly, besides the RSL? Would like to find some that lay well in cold weather as well. My girls stopped laying this past winter, next winter I hope to be set up with a timer light to extend the daylight hours artificially.
If you are saying you're getting 5 eggs a day from 5 hens, you can't do much better than that. It generally takes 24-36 hours for an egg to get from the ovary to the nest. Red Stars are great layers. But others are too. EE's and Auracanas are cuddly and good layers. Orpingtons are my fave! They are very good layers but not as good as sex links or red stars. I get an egg a day from nearly all my laying age hens, but like all hens, that will taper off as they get older. I've heard Australorps are nice too.
We have barred rocks and RIRs they both are very good layers

my BR's never stopped laying this winter, My RIRs went through a molt so they stopped for awhile, but they are very consistent and lay nearly every day.

My EE's lay frequently as well, but they don't seem to mind where they lay (in the nest box or wherever they may be standing!! I find eggs in the middle of the yard on some days!)
LOL My 5 are just under a year of age, last year when they first started laying I had to keep a thick mound of hay or something under the perches, because the crazy hens would just literally "bombs away" from off the perches. Finally I used my head and put one of the smaller sized eggs in the "laying" platform area and they all started laying right there.

So I'm glad to know those are good outputs on eggs.

I do have 2 EEs that are about a month old now, but I think I only have 1 hen out of the 2. Wish I could find a nice rooster to borrow and fertilize some of my red hens eggs, then I could just hatch out a clutch from a couple of days collecting. I'd really just like to have maybe 3 more layers..I'd like to be able to share with my elderly neighbor, she's always sharing her figs and such. I just share my kids for yard work help at this time. LOL
I love my Buff Orps. They stared laying at 5 1/2 months and have been great! They love to be held and my 2 1/2 year old grandson feeds them a snack everyday and they come running. He stands on the porch and clucks and they come running! They are the sweetest hens in the bunch. My RIRs lay well but they are flighty and not as easy going.
Oh I thought I'd add the Orpingtons generally don't slack off the laying in the winter either. Mine lay just as many eggs when the temps were 20 degrees F in the dead of winter as they do now that the temps have been in the 70's and 80's. And Barred rocks, how could I forget those! Those are my son's favorites. Good personalities, good layers.
My Black Star (sex-link) was far friendlier than the Red Star, layed better with larger eggs. She averages a 80 gram egg 6 days a week. Production Reds (hatchery RIR) lay the same and same size as the Red Star. 70 grams 6 days a week. The Barred Rock is the neediest when it comes to wanting affection. She's the family favorite though will peck at your pant legs if you don't bend over to pet her first. She gives a 60 to 65 gram 5 to 6 days a week. Never had Opingtons but believe they are same layers and friendliness as Rocks, larger egg though.

This is after the pullet phase of laying where some would lay 9 days in a row before taking a day off and winter is still lingering. I stopped the 12 hour 13w timer light end of Febuary.
I agree with the previous posts! RIR, Buff Orps, Australorps, BR all great egg layers! I do have to share that I have a white leghorn that I really like. I read and was told not to get this breed because of its "flighty"
disposition. I wanted white eggs so I bought one anyway. She is a real doll.
She is more active than the others and has bowled the other chicks over when she is on the move, but she doesn't peck, isn't at the top of the flock's pecking order, and will come sit on my lap when I am with her. She is fun to watch! Great personality.
I have been paying close attention to the orps posts....their fluffy bodies are to cute, they look very huggable.

My reds are very very sweet, and follow us all over the to be petted are easy to pick up and tuck under an arm, if I need to carry them. Like say I'm ready for their fluffy buts to go back in the coop, but they're not ready. LOL They're always nearby, if they're running loose, and if I need to go somewhere in the yard I would prefer they not go, I have to get on my lawn mower and go (they won't follow that) if I walk...they follow...if I stomp and try to shoo them the other direction they look at me like I'm nuts, and proceed to ask for petting.

I don't know that I have ever seen an orp in big are they?
My Black Australorps are my best by far. My EE's -- not. I've read BA's are some sort of an orp cross so maybe any orp would be good.

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