recommendation on candling light?


8 Years
Apr 12, 2011
Valley City, OH
does anyone have a recommendation for a good candling light? I would love to see what is going on in these Black Copper Maran eggs, but none of the lights I use on my lighter eggs are strong enough
I got a egg candler from Brinsea which is very bright and i still cant see into the Marans eggs!
Had to just wait on them
I made 2 candlers so I have light beaming in at both ends of the egg. One uses a maglight and the other uses a 13 watt flourescent light (which is the same brightness as a 60 watt bulb). Both of these "lights" burn COOL but bright which was important to me because I didn't want the shell getting hot if I candled more than 10-15 seconds. Here is a photo showing my "candlers" shining into a rust/brown, infertile RIR egg. I just used small boxes and items from around the house so I didn't have to spend big bucks.

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