Rectal Prolapse in Ducks, soft shell eggs, and Calcium Supplements.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 20, 2013
St. Petersburg, Florida USA
I lost one of my Pekin females yesterday. She was not even a year old. She had laid a soft egg the day before and I did not realize she was in trouble. I woke up and went to let her out of her safe haven for the night and she had a red tube with a large golf ball kind of bloody mass hanging out of her. It was horrific. I tried soaking her in a warm bath and rubbing honey on it to reduce the swelling. Honey they say also has antibiotic qualities too. The shute they lay and poop is either together or so close together that its hard to keep any area like this clean. I was in touch with a vet and reading about rectal prolapse online but we were not able to save her. I read where you can push stuff back in her but she was so swollen it would have been impossible. We had two females and one male and we love them like the family dog.

I am sharing this because I want you novice duck people, like me to know; If you see that your pekin is laying soft eggs make sure to get some calcium supplements into her RIGHT AWAY. It was heartbreaking to loose her so fast. A bird enthusiast told me this "birds will normally not show signs of distress until its to late". This is for their protection as in the wild they would be picked off as a "weak" bird.

Also the night before she had the prolapse when I called her to her house for the night she didnt come running as usual and I missed another sign. Every once in a while, especially if your duck lays soft eggs check her hole and make sure its not swollen or protruding. You will know if there is a problem as if they are normal you cant really see anything.

I hope this might help someone save their baby before its to late. She must have been eggbound and with the rectal prolapse and trying to push her daily egg, it was just to much for her. I am so sad and our other ducks are confused that I am keeping her from them. I hope this will help at least one person out there because I could have lived a whole lifetime with out experiencing that. RIP Marley, we loved you baby girl.

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