red backside for 6 months!!


12 Years
May 31, 2012
my Barred Rock has been to the Colorado vet hospital twice for tests costing about $600. I have given her the pills they Rx'ed. (terrible struggle)
I have tried Pick-no-more and a honey-base blue creme. Nothing works. She is attentive and has a good appetite and generally good humor, and red backside with sparse feathers. It's cold outdoors now and she must get chilled back there.

I have some diapers put can't remember how to put one on her. Maybe I need some kind of cozy cover to keep her warm and the other girls away. Only once have I ever seen anyone pecking her backside. I can knit and sew

She can't stand being in a cage separated from other girls : she cries and does a hunger strike. She gets lots of protein.
When skin is exposed to the sunlight for extended periods of time, it will turn red. The key will be figuring out why the feathers are missing in the first place. Have any pictures?
I have a barred rock with the same problem! I got her from someone who had a rooster and I just assumed maybe she was one of his ‘favorites’. After having her for a few months now with no rooster, I assumed she would start growing new feathers in... but she hasn’t. The other hens don’t seem to bother her, but that poor red backside makes me sad.
A photo of it might help us figure out what the problem is. Have they taken x rays?

Usually with bald red backsides, there will be some abdominal swelling which will stretch the skin and cause the feathers to be rubbed off when roosting or preened off due to constantly being soiled with poop, which happens because of the swelling. What does her poop look like? When did she last lay an egg? How old is she?
What was the medication (pills) they gave you for her?

Sorry.... more questions than answers!
Hi there. How is your girl? If she is distressed from being separated, keep her with the flock (as long as they are not pecking her backside?) Otherwise, keep her crate in with them so she remains a part of the flock. Worst case, put a buddy in with her.

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