Red Bulbs vs The Regular White

I bought a 150w(red) from petco online. I will be getting chicks in around April and it will be warmer here so I hope the bulb will be enough for 4 chicks.. It gets down into the high 30s right now at night.
I have only used the regular 100 watt bulbs and they have done fine. I have not had any pecking or anything. I have used it twice the first time was when I got 50 chicks from McMurray and the next year I got 35chicks and still used the same thing. I have never used the red bulbs. My brooder is outside in the henhouse up off the floor in a wire cage with plenty of food and water and the other hens have NO access to them at all. Infact I am hatching out some now, and went and brought new bulbs last night to start them out in the brooder in a few days.

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