Red face, blue body??


7 Years
Mar 31, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
I have two chicks that just hatched out looking like this. Red faces (one darker than the other) and blue bodies. I know they'll look different once their adult feathers come in, but WHAT will they look like? Rooster is a blue Orp. Hens are Light Brahma, Buff Orp, Blue Orp, Splash Orp, Red Sexlink, White Rocks, French Copper Marans/Americauna cross, Blue Americauna, Black Americauna. I believe one chick has a peacomb and the other has a straight comb. Any guesses as to what they'll look like?



The one with the white chest in the top middle, that's a blue, right? Here's an individual picture of that one, I don't' have one of the red/black since my camera battery died in the middle of taking pics.

That lemon/blue is very pretty! I hope they turn out similar. :) Which mixes do you think would have created that sort of coloring? Oh, at the time I also had a buff orp roo in addition to the blue one.
The one with the white chest in the top middle, that's a blue, right? Here's an individual picture of that one, I don't' have one of the red/black since my camera battery died in the middle of taking pics.

That lemon/blue is very pretty! I hope they turn out similar.
Which mixes do you think would have created that sort of coloring? Oh, at the time I also had a buff orp roo in addition to the blue one.
yes, that chick is blue.

it is likely either from your EEs(looks like a pea comb/beard on one) or from crossing buff/blue orps. Black copper chicks are usually black/white, they get the red in later.
Yeah the one with the darker red face I'm pretty sure is from one of the EE eggs. Other one has a straight comb, so probably from my buff orp hen?

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