Red Laced Cornish X and project talk (pics p. 8)

Unless your black Ameraucana or black tailed EE is really a very dark blue [ occaissonally they're very hard to tell apart ] I'm not smart enough to explain how the chicks could be blue . This is my first experience owning blues and blacks and so I don't know if the chicks ever appear blue then darken to black later , but mine were obviously blue , black , or splash in both down and first feathers .
ETA : How about a pic ?
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I was wondering if any of the little pullet eggs that started coming last week were from my CX . I found one sitting on a little tan egg yesterday and asked Katie's experience with CX eggs ; but today that box had two little tan [ Wyandotte ? ] and a lighter tan that was a bit larger than a Grade A Large [ and much longer LOL ] . I think the creamish [ which appears white in the flash ] may be a Speckled Sussex . I was getting the smallish cream colored egg laid in the pen or coop floor every other day ; today it was just under Grade A Large and finally in nest box . Now to get that incubator finished and try hatching a few . I'm aiming for a large , cornish bodied meatie that will double as blue/green egg layer . By the way , one of those big CX pullets prooved me wrong and flew over a four foot fence to switch pens this past week .......... she is now wing clipped .
Katy, I can't say that mine will be high quality, but you are more than welcome too use one or both of mine. I will need them back too so I can use them on the Silkied Ameraucanas but we can share!
May I interupt your conversation for a moment here, and have some of you experts look at my question on the thread entitled Buff Cornish? I sure would appreciate (Spelling) it if you could?
Thanks in advance.

I seperated my CX pullets from the other pullets to see if the two Ameraucana roos would start covering them . Funny thing is I'm still getting the same number of eggs from that pen with the same varience in size and color [ though they're all a little larger ] . So far the one big egg is always a double yoker which does not bode well for successful hatching even if my bashful boys ever get over their fear of the big girls .
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the double yolk issue was a problem for me as well, and it continues to be so in the offspring. I had one I didn't realize until to late, it developed right up until the end, then it broke through the other yolk and started swallowing . . . it was a gross mess, I had to cull obviously.

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