Red Laced Cornish X and project talk (pics p. 8)

Yes-ery Steve............ the sight of a wonderfully cooked, raised and brought to the table is something to take pride in. Good job !!!!.

got a pic of that smoked bird??

Sorry , no pic . My mother never serves uncarved meat at the table LOL . I took the bird there Fri nite , still wrapped , and actually never saw the finished product in its entirety myself . Because of its size , she was unable to add it to her oven whole , and carved 1/2 and added it to heat with the rest of Christmas dinner . I thought " Oh great , dry bird ! " [ but kept my mouth shut ] . It turned out better than just OK LOL ; and tonight's late supper , carved before zapping it in the nuker , was just as good or better !
Bator temps were spikeing today when I woke up late , catching up on lost sleep from Christmas . I had not planned on candleing , but its day 16 , so when I opened the lid to dump heat , I candled 4 , 3 of which were clears .

I candled all later , and of the 13 blue or green , Ameraucana or EE , hopefully crossed to a CX cockeral , only 3 were returned to the bator ; and those because I could not see through the shells clearly . Of 42 eggs , only 21 remain ; they've been too warm , 3 may never have started , so .....................

Looks like the CX boys are just too big to get positioned properly , but still hoping those left are not cooked and I still get a few chicks .
It was over 102 somewhere on the lower end of the cycle , I did not wait to see how high it was going . On my still air , when the heating element kicks on , cool air is drawn through the lower vents as the heated air flows through the upper vents , making the temp actually drop during that part of the cycle . I track temps at the middle of the egg , and the temp was over 102 with the element on when I woke up . I aim for 99.1 to 100.1 cycles at the middle of the egg . I still believe some of those remaining will hatch ; it spiked to that temperature last week and the eggs continued to grow . I've discovered that the wafer needs adjusted as the chicks begin to grow and give off heat of their own below the wafer's position . Also , the extreem edges and corners are at much lower temps than the rest of the bator .

I'm adding a fan to the Hovabator for [ hopefully ] more even temps next time around . I believe my home built , forced air will hold even temps throughout , and controlled by a digital thermostat designed for regulating reptile habitats , need less tweeking ; but way too busy to move it here and finish it .

ETA : I just remembered resetting the memory [ I forget its even got that feature ] after the earlier spike . I checked the recorded high/lo just now :102.2 , so I caught it at its highest spike . I may be alright.
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Here's an update of that Ameraucana X CX at just over 1 month ; shanks double as wide the EE behind it , better breast , bigger and thicker body ........................... sure hope I hatch another or two .
Nice bird there, Steve. Hope they don't have the leg problems like Cornish X. Keep hatching and maybe you can get those green egg laying big breasted faster growing chickens yet.

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