Red Laced Cornish X and project talk (pics p. 8)

I understand that cockeral's comb has benn frostbitten and still tall along with having the large wattles . My eyesight is not good enough to make out the details of his comb , but if you can find a few bumps lined up along either side of it , it would technically still be a pea comb ...................................... just a very poor one due to only having one copy for it .
Hey , Katy
That is one gorgeous rooster you have. I love BIG chickens of any color. I'm wanting to create ginormous egg layers. Ones that will lay like a Leghorn and as big or bigger than Jersey Giants.
How old is he ?

He is nine months old. He was always bigger than the other chicks. He is eight pounds now. He is very active with his ladies.
Alot of double yokers.

True but hatch the BIG single yolkers.
I went through the entire flock tonight , useing Ivomec pour on and an eye dropper . I'm bleeding from several spots , and pretty sure I've been wormed and mite-proofed .

To keep track of the Speckled Sussex , I dropped them into the next breeding pen as each was done . That big CX cockeral did not like me manhandling him , and also did alot of complaining as his girls squawked about being handled and were dropped into the next pen . The splash Ameraucana in the next pen [ a bad boy about tearing up other males ] squeezed through the gate when I sorted the SS back into their pen . Bad move , that big ole CX cleaned his clock pretty quick , and the escapee was plenty glad to get back into his own pen . I guess that got the CX's blood going , because he quickly covered one of the returning SS pullets .............................. getting in position for the " kiss " for the first time I've witnessed . I may be getting some chicks from the big guy yet .
I did the same routine with my flock today lol pretty sure I also now have no worms!
Since I have so many the same color this year & they were all running around the yard; we blu coted their left foot as we did them. I now have a stylin' flock and a blue left hand! Will do the right foot next week when we worm again.

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