Red or Clear Heat Lamp

When we started incubating, I know I read that the infra-red heat lamp bulbs are hotter than regular incandescent bulbs because of the kind of light waves they produce - and can be dangerous (overheating, potential for fire) if not used correctly. Either way, 250W sounds hot! Best to put a thermometer at egg, or chick level to check the true temperature.

Using a ceramic socket is good advice.

Don't paint light bulbs.

Fumes alone could be deadly for birds (not too good for people either)
Heat lamps in essence are not really hotter, however the heat is directed through the lense of the bulb instead of being evenly disapated throughout the entire glass of the bulb such as most regular flood lights or incandescent bulbs.

I use heatlamps due to my reflector being outside of the brooder radiating the heat and light in. If I however were to use a regular flood light, I would be loosing heat through the sides of the bulb itself. Thats why outdoor floodlamps do not shatter when rain hits them. The heat is evenly disapated throughout the whole bulb instead of having hotspots in the bulb. Your floodlamp may vary due to manufacture or design.

For example, I tried a 85watt red floodlamp from walmart. It only heated the inside of the brooder to the same temp as a 40watt incandescent placed on the inside. This is due to the heat loss through the sides of the floodlamp.

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