Red wine for your chickens??

I don't thnk that's a good idea. No animal should be given alcohol, especially not birds. Same for chocolate, potato chips, chocolate, soda, other junk food, etc. Its unhealthy for them. its not even all that healthy for humans..
The red wine would work very much like ACV in the water. Everyone is healthier with an occassional glass of good red wine. Beer is a good boost too (yeast heavy beer is also great for nursing mothers).

I think us Americans with our history of prohibition and 'it's the drink that kills' ways have gotten too far away from how in moderation spirits and wine are very healthy for a body. People who give alcohol in any form to animals are labled 'cruel' and/or 'abusers'. If you do it just don't broadcast it and bring problems to your door. What people don't know won't hurt them.

It wasn't that long ago that is was perfectly acceptable to rub a teething baby's gums with brandy or to give honey or a sugar cube with whiskey to a child for a cough. These days if anyone knows you do that you considered a bad parent because it the alcohol you are pushing on your kids and just getting them drunk to get them out of your hair. I know we all know people who think this way. BTW, I am not advocating giving your children a swig of whiskey - but people in other countries don't have the issues with it we Americans seem to foist upon the world with our puritanical ways.

For myself, I don't confess everything I do or how I do it when it comes to my livestock and pets. My animals are very healthy and the table is very heavy under their weight when we harvest. I raise the fowl and hooved animals here to serve my needs and my table. I don't raise them in a way to give them a 20 year life expectancy. I don't force feed my ducks and geese but I can promise you their livers will be wondeful on my table.

I agree with most of the above, but I still think it would be risky to give to give alcohol to a PET.
Any of the fermented feeds animals are routinely fed especially in winter is filled with some a mount of alcohol. Silage given to cattle is fermented plant matter.

No one is opening a bottle of good whisky and pouring it down an animals throat but much of the foods they eat are left overs from many vegetables and grains used in the making of alcohol.

The left overs from big distilleries are nearly always fed to cattle in feed lots.

Many of the foods we eat are fermented in some way. Sour dough bread is made from a fermented dough starter - it makes its own alcohol.

Kombucha tea is ferminented. It is also one the healthiest probiotics you can consume.

Don't be closed minded.

When you grow into adulthood you will glad we are trying to teach you something.

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