RedBro Freedom Rangers- 6 weeks old-PICTURES

No Katy, they are a French breed meant to be free rangers. They mature a lot faster
than regular chickens but they don't drop dead either. Since they are a cross you can't
breed them because the genes of the parent breeds don't pass true to the next
generation, aka they don't breed true.

Other than that they are just fat, fast growing chickens. I may add 1 or 2 of mine to our
laying flock. The roos, at 10-11 weeks, are crowing and growing spurs. They are being
processed tonight.
Ok I have spent the past couple mornings reading all about everyone's color rangers. Last weekend we processed our last remaining 4 Cornish Roasters/ X rocks and the White giant turkeys. We were all happy we wouldnt have to process for a while and our freeezers are jam packed...Now I just had to tell my fiance that we have 16 (which im splitting with my friend) Color ranger broiler chicks coming from JM hatchery (thanks Greyfield, its all YOUR fault! LOL) Friday morning. I just gotta try these. I love the end result of the Cornish X rocks, they are gorgeous huge birds that are a snap to pluck. But like everyone else said..They were just big reptilian lumps that laid around the food and water bowls all day eating and drinking..No drive to get up and scratch around for bugs and things like a normal chicken. Im interested to see how I will like these guys..Hey you dont know whats the best for you unless you try a little of everything I guess. I know I will be thanking you all later.
My first roo was a leghorn. I promised him I would let him have offspring before we culled
him. Yeah, it sounds foolish, but I'm a guy.

So we put lots of his hens(all different breeds) eggs in our bator and hatched a bunch.
We culled all the roos. They weren't huge but they made a good pot of soup each.

DangerousChicken has a real good post about how she fried up some leghorns.
I think this post may be one of my favorite all time BYC threads. The look on her hubby's
face is classic.

That look was a classic. Our leghorn roo is about 22 weeks old and I hope he fries up as goo as Dangerouschickens did
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So, what was the end result? I looked around for information on Red Bros last spring, but wasn't too successful. I recently found the JM listing for Color Range and now I've found this thread. Things are looking up.

How big did they get at what age? Did you keep any hens? If so, how have they been laying?

Most important: how did they taste?!
Oh doG help me, you people have made me go and do it.

100 of the little beggars coming in three weeks!

I'm already HUNGRY.

And my friend of the multiple food intolerances, who now buys no processed food, is threatening to buy them ALL from me.
Wow, this thread got brought back from the dead.

If ya all haven't seen Harp's thread you might want to:

The birds in this thread was an order that PerfectlyPolish and I split
last summer.

Mine were fed a 26% protein broiler feed and raised in my barn. They
were allowed to range some from 6 weeks on.

PP's were raised in a tractor with a lower protein feed. Her's were smaller
than mine since her's were raised like chickens and mine were raised like
little kings and queens.

PP did keep a hen or two and may even still have them.

As for taste they were awesome. In my opinion they are better than
Cornish X. They have an excellent texture since they got to range

My biggest warning about Colored Range Broilers is they are so cool
you may find yourself getting attached to them. They were some of
the healthiest and active chickens I've ever had.
I also have a question to anyone who has informartion on the following.

I been researching to find a chicken that has the top quaility meat that you just cant beat. Im a foody and want to raise the best tasting chickens BUTTTT i also want those chickens to be able to breed to type. And iv found so many amazing meat birds like the REDBRO free ranger but they cant reproduce to the same type. So dose anybody out there know which bird thats best for me.Iv had egg layers and i rely just want " a bird thats known for top quality meat(good flavor/moist) BUT also i can reproduce with just a rooster and a hen and good old mother nature to breed together and get that same top quality meat in the chicks." Please help me out. I dont care if its a common breed or if its quite new i just want to know which breed that best fits my needs.
Thanks zachary brown from florida

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