Redwood Incubators - Information, help, for sale and wanted

I am in love with this big redwood bator! I had 10 BO eggs set in a styrobator to hatch today. I moved them over earlier in the week to the redwood as soon as it was stable. This morning I have 7 out and 3 working on it, looks like it could end up being 100% hatch!

As soon as they are done I"m moving over the rest of the eggs set for next weekend and giving the styrobator back to my friend. And I'm collecting eggs now for another set. This is too much fun!
I have a 48 egg redwood humidaire with a dead built in turner motor. I can turn everything by hand with no issues but an auto turner would be a real luxury. Suggestions as to where to source a turner would be appreciated.

I'd like to add a warning label to these redwoods. If you fear chicken math, RUN from redwood incubators.
One week ago,DD and I started our test run with 8 dozen eggs ( 4 doz from each of us) which is more than enough to hatch.
tonight we added 4 dozen more-- because there was an empty tray and we had the eggs and we know ALL the excuses!
We also candled 3 of her cochin banty eggs. All were developing.
That's when she told me that some had been under broodies for 2 days until the broodies starting fighting and breaking eggs.
That's when i realized that you cannot *see* the pips and zips in a wooden box with a tiny front window.
So I ask the experienced users: How do you tell the progress of a hatch?
And apparently the eggs were not affected by the temperature dip to 93 on day 4. Temps have been holding steady since that day.
DH has become quite fascinated by this incubator and complains when I pull the levers to turn the eggs instead of letting him do it. He even fills out the chart.
Yes, these things should come with a warning label.
I'd like to add a warning label to these redwoods. If you fear chicken math, RUN from redwood incubators.
One week ago,DD and I started our test run with 8 dozen eggs ( 4 doz from each of us) which is more than enough to hatch.
tonight we added 4 dozen more-- because there was an empty tray and we had the eggs and we know ALL the excuses!
We also candled 3 of her cochin banty eggs. All were developing.
That's when she told me that some had been under broodies for 2 days until the broodies starting fighting and breaking eggs.
That's when i realized that you cannot *see* the pips and zips in a wooden box with a tiny front window.
So I ask the experienced users: How do you tell the progress of a hatch?
And apparently the eggs were not affected by the temperature dip to 93 on day 4. Temps have been holding steady since that day.
DH has become quite fascinated by this incubator and complains when I pull the levers to turn the eggs instead of letting him do it. He even fills out the chart.
Yes, these things should come with a warning label.


Warning label is needed for sure! when I need to limit my hatch I pull out the bottom 2 trays and put in a clear Rubbermaid tub. I then put the hatch-lings in the tub at the bottom once they hatch. the one thing I LOVE about the redwoods is that no matter how many times you check/open the door it pops right back to the correct temp humidity almost instantly! I have noticed when you open the door a lot you will need to refill the water trays more often but hey that's a small price to pay for ultra stable incubator! :)
Still learning.
Was demonstrating the trays in the incubator to the DD and SIL this evening and realized that using the sliders ( double bottoms) in the trays as turners only works if the trays are full. With partially full trays, the eggs wiggle but do not turn over. I have the 12 dozen eggs spread out over the 8 trays to divide the types of eggs and keep the chicks separate.
I am open to suggestions as to how to correct this. Put some sort of additional separators in the trays to bunch up the eggs? What type would not interfere with air flow?
I could worry about the incomplete turnings of the past 10 days, but I have more important things to worry about
Well my BO hatch last Sat was 9/10. The last three eggs all shrinkwrapped badly. I don't trust the cheapie hygrometer I have and have a better one ordered. The cheapie said 30% humidity even with full water pans with sponges on top and a water tray with a cloth in it right under the eggs.

I *think* what was happening was the air was blowing right onto those three eggs. Eggs on the other side of the tray were fine. I have more BO eggs and some duck eggs due this Sat. I set a bigger pan of water in the bottom of it and the cheapie hydro says 40% now. So will try adding some more pans of water to the bottom and see if I can get it up there. Also going to lay some cardboard or something over the hatching tray to try and deflect the direct air current onto the eggs.
Still learning.
Was demonstrating the trays in the incubator to the DD and SIL this evening and realized that using the sliders ( double bottoms) in the trays as turners only works if the trays are full. With partially full trays, the eggs wiggle but do not turn over. I have the 12 dozen eggs spread out over the 8 trays to divide the types of eggs and keep the chicks separate.
I am open to suggestions as to how to correct this. Put some sort of additional separators in the trays to bunch up the eggs? What type would not interfere with air flow?
I could worry about the incomplete turnings of the past 10 days, but I have more important things to worry about
Tip the slidders up a little worked for me

This is my Klondike #300 manufactured in Des Moines Iowa. It's about 54"W x 28"D...Does anyone have any info about the company? I'm running into a brick wall with my researchThe copper tubing comes out the side of this one (hard to see in photo)

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