reflection of first time chx kill



Fowl play will 🐝 encouraged 🐥🐔
Premium Feather Member
May 16, 2021
UP Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
When I made the decision to raise chickens my intent has always been to rotate hens every few years when egg production decreased and to allow then to brood chicks. The males would be processed.
The first batch of 11 chicks contained two cockerels, one intended, one not. The odd man out was a light brahma named Stewie. At 14 weeks he began challenging my bielefelder cockerel, Spatch and was becoming aggressive toward several pullets, caused an eye injury to one. I made the decision to cull him early. I have hunted and field dressed small and big game over many decades, but killing an animal I raised from infancy is quite different. I carried him to ‘the cone tree’ while telling him what a good little rooster he was, thanking him for his sacrifice and that I understood his behavior, his hormones, his role in life. He was indeed a great guardian of the flock but in the grand scheme of things he was meant for the table. The knife found it’s mark. I’d like to say it was a clean one cut kill; it was not. After 15 or so seconds I realized he was opening his eyes, looked at me. So sorry, Stewie. I immediately severed the head and it was done. One shudder and then he was still.
I thanked God for providing me opportunity to give Stewie a good, albeit short, life, and for the opportunity to learn the practice of processing food for my family. I am a better person today than I was yesterday because of this.
Thanks for reading.
telling him what a good little rooster he was, thanking him for his sacrifice and that I understood his behavior, his hormones, his role in life. He was indeed a great guardian of the flock but in the grand scheme of things he was meant for the table.


I talk to my culls that way too. It just seems appropriate to acknowledge that killing a chicken isn't the same thing as picking a tomato.

A good life and as quick and painless an end as I can manage. Then the respect of using every bit of the bird that I can manage.
Thanks for sharing your experience! I will be raising meat birds for the first time later this year, and I anticipate having similar emotions to yours when it comes time for the kill. Although unlike you, I do not hunt and this will be my first actual kill. This will also be my first time raising baby chicks, so it will be hard not to get attached. I may get a layer chick or two when I get the meat birds just so I have someone to get attached to and channel my motherly instinct toward lol.
If you do, get at least 2 to raise together and introduce to the flock together. A single bird would be lonely growing up.
Thanks! I will get 2 then. Now that I think of it, I did order the "meal maker" free chick from Meyer with my order and they told me it would be a layer. Then I'll just grab a bin chick while I'm there. They will be in the brooder with the Cornish X until the Cornish go outside at 3 weeks. So you're right, it would be better to have 2 layers for when the others move outdoors.

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