Refugee Chickens

A lady at work has offered to come pick them up, her parents have a farm. There are lambs, cows and chickens. She said they have free run of the farm and the chicken house gets driven around so it's always nice for them. She also said that they probably won't kill the males _gulp_

I think this is my best option... animal control was no help.. told me to post online free chickens..

Husband left a bag of bird seed on the porch ... I told him not to fill the feeders until the chicken situation is resolved.. There was bird seed everywhere when I got home.. so they will never leave on their own now :mad:

I'm still feeling sad for them.. but hopefully going to a farm an hour away won't be too traumatic? SHe's bringing a big dog crate.. says she can catch them... I expect this to be quite the show...

Any advice? or stay out of the way?

Appreciate ya'lls help... I still worried terribly about them last night.. but sure enough, they were just fine this morning!
Let them go! Be glad you found such a quick solution.

There are lambs, cows and chickens. She said they have free run of the farm and the chicken house gets driven around so it's always nice for them. She also said that they probably won't kill the males _gulp_
Is this a farm that grows animals for meat? Do you eat meat?
I think they do eat the lambs..there was talk about it at Thanksgiving... farm might be too grand a word.. it's an old Ukrainian couple, they moved here to be near their daughter (my work friend) and grandkids... I know it's 13 acres.. and they just started with milk cows.. there's a duck... and some chickens already that the lady uses for pretty eggshells (what?) but it's not like... commercial.

I eat meat.. sometimes...
I'm still feeling sad for them.. but hopefully going to a farm an hour away won't be too traumatic? SHe's bringing a big dog crate.. says she can catch them... I expect this to be quite the show...

Any advice? or stay out of the way?

Think of it this way, even if the family ends up eating some of the boys, until that one moment, these chickens will be housed and fed and watered and cared for. And in turn they'll provide these folks with eggs and possibly a chicken dinner. Win-win in my book.

I would stay out of the way since they probably have a better idea of how to catch chickens (and expect some squawking, doesn't hurt to snag their leg or pick them up but they do make noise when alarmed!)
She said they had chickens when she was growing up... Hoping that does mean they know.

Since they already got into the birdseed yesterday I threw out some more today.. I'm hoping to entice them come when I have the bag so I can distract while she catches them.. I'll be safe up on the porch!

They act kinda like a pack of teenagers.. All eyeroll and whatever until there is food!

One of the roosters was crowing at 2 am this morning.. they normally don't start until about 4.. Does that mean there was a predator around or they just do that? There was no squawking .. just him.
I'm upstate, too---midway between Greer and Taylors, and there are tons of predators around here. =( So far, I've lost chickens to a possum and a skunk, but I've also seen coons around and there are cats everywhere (my neighbor has lost about 10 to stray cats). I hope these birds can get some night time cover soon, cuz everything in the upstate seems to like chicken! :-o
We've got 2 more nights... They are in a fluffy pine tree.. It's pretty tall.. where the big rooster sits is over my head.. Is there anything I can do to help through the next few days?

It's started raining... I asked husband to get the ladder out.. I was going to ziptie an old umbrella to the top of that tree.. he think's I'm being silly..

I also put a long 2x4 up on some blocks under the porch and ramp.. they seem to like that.. though one of the females just sits right on the ground in my flowerbed.. it's all dead now, she's not hurting anything, but it seems weird to sit on the cold ground!

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