Rehome a call duck

Someting a little unexpected happened today. Webster is fine, but he decided he wants to live with my other flock of ducks on the other side of the garage. Everybody was out of their cages today, while I did some much needed cleaning. My Khaki Campbell, Ruby, and her boyfriends, Marco (partially blind pekin) and Polo (mallard) went over to cause trouble with my boy flock, which they do whenever possible.
Webster flew down off the wall, to get to them. There was a little pecking and scuffling but he followed them back to there house and stayed there. They were getting along so I left him over there. I've gone out twice to check on them and they're all sleeping in their house. I'll check him one more time tonight. Maybe he's just having a sleep over?
Well I guess he wants to get to know everyone better before committing to one group. I think it is a very sensible thing to do! ;)
Well I guess he wants to get to know everyone better before committing to one group. I think it is a very sensible thing to do! ;)
Funny you should say that. I let them out today while I put up more Christmas lights. Webster flew from his new home, out the front yard. He walked around a little, then flew over to me at the garage. I asked him what he was doing, then he walked back to the boys house, and stayed with them! I wonder where he'll go tomorrow.
Hello everyone,
I am looking for a new home for my beautiful male call duck. I had a wonderful flock of call ducks in a variety of colors and l loved them dearly but last week, tragically, I lost them all but one. A lynx attack my flock during the night and I woke to find only one alive in my partially frozen pond. I am absolutely devastated and heartbroken but I realize that I cannot keep him caged all alone for the remainder of the winter even if it is to keep him safe. I know that he needs to be with other ducks, preferably females, so that he can recover from his ordeal and be happy again. I live in Massachusetts, close to the NH border and am looking for a loving family for him. This is probably the best place to get in touch with other people who, like me, love these precious little ducks. Let me know if anyone is interested, thank you.
I'm so sorry for your loss! If I wasn't all the way in Alabama, I would help!
Webster and I had fun today. I was holding him, then he was on my arm, and wouldn’t get off my back!
He eventually flew off!
An update on Webster: He’s being a bit of a pain in the butt! On days when they get outside their run, he instantly flies over the garage to my other flock, which is fine. But over there he fights with my 5 year old mallard, Polo. He’s clearly trying to take his place in the flock. They fend Webster off, for a while but then Polo goes off by himself. I think he gets tired. I hate to do it, but I think I’m going to have to clip a wing to keep Webster on his side. There’s just scuffles, no missing feathers yet, but he seems to upset the other flock. Other than that, he’s good. He’s feisty, eats, drinks, and preens like he should.

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