Rehoming today... two EE genders - 4 weeks old- questions and pics


7 Years
May 25, 2012
We hatched these two chicks from blue shells. Mom was an Am or EE, Dad was a black Orpington. The others we hatched (pure breeds) are ready to go to their new home today. I would really like to include an EE in their mix. They have kids and I think they would enjoy it but they need it to be a female since they live in the city. So my 2 questions are..
1- Does either look like a girl?
2- Will the one with the single comb lay blue eggs? Or should I go with the one with the pea comb.
3- Thanks for your opinions and help!

Here are the 2 birds in question. Sorry the light was harsh this morning. I can take more if I need to because they leave for their new home in 6 hours.

We will call left "pea comb" and right "single"

Pea comb from above and side...

Side view and front view of "Single"

Comparison shot... "pea comb" is higher than "single" on the ladder.

Same here, "pea comb" on left and "single" on right

Thank you guys! Like I said I need to pick in a few hours so you opinion is greatly appreciated!
Salt and Pepper do you know if the pea comb is indicative of a blue layer? Or could the single comb have just as much of a chance to lay blue as well?
both have what looks like pea combs, single comb ees don't tend to lay colored eggs. now with them only being 4 weeks, the one you say has a pea comb might be a boy
both have what looks like pea combs, single comb ees don't tend to lay colored eggs. now with them only being 4 weeks, the one you say has a pea comb might be a boy

Oh well that makes this even harder then! So that single comb looks like a pea comb to you? For what it's worth the pea comb is less scared of me than the single looking one.
Both of those are pea combs and both of those look like boys to me, but it is really hard to tell at this age. Sorry I can't be more helpful
5-8 weeks is a much better time for sexing.
OK I have more EE's from this hatch. Let me try to get a good pic of them all to compare. I would really like to pick at least ONE out for them today. They can always bring a roo back but I would like to give them my best guess... or y'alls best get! ;)

Thank you guys! I will be back with more pics shortly!
I think these are better pics of the 3 dark ones. Go ahead and tell me what you think on all 3 on gender and egg laying color. Like I said Am or EE mom, and Orpington Roo made these and all hatched out of the same size and color blue eggs. Best guess will do, it is probably better than mine.

OK here is the one I pegged as a boy, just guessing from the waddles.... I did not post a pic of him before. Let's call him "waddles"

Here is "Single Comb" (which is a pea comb upon further inspection, thanks Ramirez)

And here is "pea comb" again...

And lastly here is all 3 together.... waddles, pea comb and single


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