Reject Hatching Eggs - aka "The Undesirable Egg Experiment"

we have some mixed maran hens that look just like that

He was definitely a roo, lol. He was crowing before I rehomed him. I don't seem to have any pictures of when he really developed those pretty sickle feathers but he was gorgeous! Marans roosters are some of my favorites! I can't keep the roos on my property where I live at the moment though. Some day!
So what's the current status now that they are a few days old????? Pic's w/names would be most awesomeness incarnate.

They're all great! Rocket and Sticky went home with a friend along with most of the other chicks. I still have two peeps that I put with my broody hen but they don't have names yet. I'll get some pictures later today but she takes them into the broody box every time I go out there, to "protect" them from me, lol. The yellow chick I still have was from a porous egg, so maybe Dotty?

On another note, I almost didn't keep these two damaged eggs for my current hatch since I so recently did this experiment with not so desirable results for the cracked egg but these two have smaller blemishes than the cracked Olive Egger did.

They're Crested Cream Legbars. I put nail polish on the hair line crack that did show some minimal discoloration in the shell so there was probably some leakage and I put a small piece of tape over the egg with the hole but even though I don't see evidence of leaking on the shell, the air cell was quite a bit larger on this one so I think it probably did leak a bit.

I set them a day later than my other eggs, in a separate incubator.

This is going to become a thing where I set all of my eggs regardless of what is wrong with them isn't

3-14-20 CCL Crack.jpg
3-14-20 CCL Hole.jpg
3-16-20 CCL Hole & Crack Repair.jpg
3-16-20 (1).JPG
Probably a thing :D, but the pictures are print worthy, so maybe you will be able to create a guide book or study thesis or something with all of your "data"!

Thank you! That means a lot! I take a lot of time to put the images together.
I'm thinking if I try multiple methods of repair more than once I can eventually put together an article on it with rates of success. :)

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