Remember Candy from Your Childhood

This was from much later in my childhood, but I also loved Freshen Up gum, with the goop in the middle that squirted out when you bit into it. Spearmint was the best.
And yes, the flavor of Fruit Stripe gum lasted no more than a minute so you HAD to stuff the whole pack in there piece by piece. Oh, how about the little yellow packets of baby chicklets! Forgot all about Gator Gum. : )
And I loved Charm Pops too, but only red.
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What a fun thread.. It brings back a lot of memories. Some of my favorites were:
Bar None candy bars
Skor candy bars
Circus peanuts
Chunky (square choc candy with raisins, etc)
Ice Cubes (square choc that melted in your mouth)

I also loved fruit stripe gum, pop rocks and candy cigarettes. And frozen charleston chews are GREAT for getting out loose teeth. LOL!
Milk duds
Bottle caps
Red Hots
Atomic Fireballs
Heath candy bar
but I think those are all still made.
AMEN!! I hunted high and low and tried to find them for YEARS. Now some candy company has bought the rights to the name and is putting out some lame and nasty energy bar under the same name. A pox on them I say, a POX! Bring back the original and I would probably be cursing them for making me pudgy.
Somebody mentioned the seltzer water...I remember that, it became a small fad here for a while....

think there were a couple of brands....New York Seltzer, and Zeltzer Seltzer.

Circus peanuts? Those were those soft light orange things, right? I think those may still be sold, if I remember correctly...they might be with that candy that is two bags for a dollar, or one bag for 59 know, with the kiddie mix or pixie sticks??

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