Announcement Remembering Sumi

Sumi you have been in my thoughts and prayers since this started. Despite the many different religions and names for him, I believe there is one G-D and he hears us all. May he shine down on you and hold you in the palm of his hand.

We all love you and wish you the strength and resolve to continue this fight to the best possible outcome.:hugs
Thanks for the posts and messages, everyone and :hugs back at you all! I figured I'd pop in and post an update of sorts, though not much is happening here. The chemo is really starting to get me finally, so I'm learning to work around that now. I'm sore/sensitive all over and my appetite's gone way down too, though I am doing my best to eat as much as I can. I've actually gained weight since my surgery :oops: so it's not really a bad thing to slow down a bit! The tiredness I was struggling so much with at first is better now, though I still feel it, I'm used to it now and learned to deal with it. I.e. rest loads!

It's great to be back here with you all, though I'm not posting much yet, I'm around more and I'm enjoying it so much! I missed my BYC family when I was off. Love you all :hugs
@sumi, your journey is not new to me because my family has been on this path many times.
Your faith, your will to fight are as essential to your recovery as the love and prayers that come from your family and friends.
Through this trial, you are teaching your beautiful son how to be strong and resilient when life brings challenges.
I so admire you as you meet your challenges head on, as you remind all of us that faith and love bring strength and power.
You have my prayers every day...May Sumi's journey be easy as The Great Physician brings comfort and healing...may the love and prayers from friends and family envelop Sumi with strength and comfort to ease her discomfort with chemo and recovery from surgery...and may God's angels hover around Sumi and her son fluttering breezes of comfort along their journey. :hugs :hugs :hugs
Hey everyone, thank you so much for the quotes, the video and the messages :hugs :love I loved seeing and reading it all and it did make me cry as much as smile too!

This week + has been a rough one for me, I went and got sick. My body temperature went sky high several times, along with my blood pressure dropping way low. I couldn't eat at all and struggled to sleep as well for a few nights, with my body fighting the fevers I kept getting.

I've also donated endless samples of blood for testing, including directly from an artery (ouch), to the point where I told them to please stop, because they are draining me! LOL In addition to that I've been swapped and tested for flu, stomach bugs, you name it, they tested me for it... And treated me for it too. I said to a friend yesterday I won't be surprised if they tested me for bird flu as well.

One small benefit I guess is they stopped my chemo for the time being, as it compromises my immune system and they need my body to fight this now. The flip side is I'm taking about 16 pills daily now, starting with 5 for breakfast and ending with another 5 before I go to sleep at night. And I'm one of those "won't take a pill unless I absolutely have to" people, so this is really strange for me.

The doctors cannot yet tell me what exactly is the problem, but they are leaning towards a chest infection after yet another CT scan to try and find the problem found I have some "fluids" in one of my lungs.

I'm trying not to worry about all this now, I'm resting and eating as much as I can and taking the drugs and tolerating my new IV until this passes, which will hopefully be SOON!

Hope you all are having a good holiday season. Love you guys! :hugs

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