Announcement Remembering Sumi

Sorry for the silence. I didn't feel well the last few days. I spoke to the doctor, who told me my pancreas looks o.k. and the oncologist, who told me the cancer is stage 4... To quote him "well developed".

He is sounding hopeful about the chemo taking care of it though and told me they are going to scan my head and body again in 2-3 months to see how things are going :fl They are watching my lung as well and we're all hoping that spot will go away soon! I don't want to go for more surgery, which they are considering for that...

While I'm waiting to see where things go, I'm spending time with my beautiful son and trying to stay positive as best I can. I'm in good hands and getting good treatment.

Thank you all again for everything. Love you all :hugs
:hugs :hugs :hugs Thoughts and prayers coming your way.
Sorry for the silence. I didn't feel well the last few days. I spoke to the doctor, who told me my pancreas looks o.k. and the oncologist, who told me the cancer is stage 4... To quote him "well developed".

He is sounding hopeful about the chemo taking care of it though and told me they are going to scan my head and body again in 2-3 months to see how things are going :fl They are watching my lung as well and we're all hoping that spot will go away soon! I don't want to go for more surgery, which they are considering for that...

While I'm waiting to see where things go, I'm spending time with my beautiful son and trying to stay positive as best I can. I'm in good hands and getting good treatment.

Thank you all again for everything. Love you all :hugs
Praying for you guys!:hugs:hugs:hugs
Thanks for the posts and messages, everyone and :hugs back at you all! I figured I'd pop in and post an update of sorts, though not much is happening here. The chemo is really starting to get me finally, so I'm learning to work around that now. I'm sore/sensitive all over and my appetite's gone way down too, though I am doing my best to eat as much as I can. I've actually gained weight since my surgery :oops: so it's not really a bad thing to slow down a bit! The tiredness I was struggling so much with at first is better now, though I still feel it, I'm used to it now and learned to deal with it. I.e. rest loads!

It's great to be back here with you all, though I'm not posting much yet, I'm around more and I'm enjoying it so much! I missed my BYC family when I was off. Love you all :hugs
Thanks for the posts and messages, everyone and :hugs back at you all! I figured I'd pop in and post an update of sorts, though not much is happening here. The chemo is really starting to get me finally, so I'm learning to work around that now. I'm sore/sensitive all over and my appetite's gone way down too, though I am doing my best to eat as much as I can. I've actually gained weight since my surgery :oops: so it's not really a bad thing to slow down a bit! The tiredness I was struggling so much with at first is better now, though I still feel it, I'm used to it now and learned to deal with it. I.e. rest loads!

It's great to be back here with you all, though I'm not posting much yet, I'm around more and I'm enjoying it so much! I missed my BYC family when I was off. Love you all :hugs
We miss you too sumi. :hugs Its great to see you doing the mini contests, it's something more normal to focus on! Rest when you need, we're still here :hugs
Thanks for the posts and messages, everyone and :hugs back at you all! I figured I'd pop in and post an update of sorts, though not much is happening here. The chemo is really starting to get me finally, so I'm learning to work around that now. I'm sore/sensitive all over and my appetite's gone way down too, though I am doing my best to eat as much as I can. I've actually gained weight since my surgery :oops: so it's not really a bad thing to slow down a bit! The tiredness I was struggling so much with at first is better now, though I still feel it, I'm used to it now and learned to deal with it. I.e. rest loads!

It's great to be back here with you all, though I'm not posting much yet, I'm around more and I'm enjoying it so much! I missed my BYC family when I was off. Love you all :hugs
If their really is a God and if they are watching over you? I hope your continue to get better
I sincerely look forward to all your posts.:frow
Have a great day and keep on getting better..:hugs
Thanks for the posts and messages, everyone and :hugs back at you all! I figured I'd pop in and post an update of sorts, though not much is happening here. The chemo is really starting to get me finally, so I'm learning to work around that now. I'm sore/sensitive all over and my appetite's gone way down too, though I am doing my best to eat as much as I can. I've actually gained weight since my surgery :oops: so it's not really a bad thing to slow down a bit! The tiredness I was struggling so much with at first is better now, though I still feel it, I'm used to it now and learned to deal with it. I.e. rest loads!

It's great to be back here with you all, though I'm not posting much yet, I'm around more and I'm enjoying it so much! I missed my BYC family when I was off. Love you all :hugs
Sumi, I'm so happy that you're adapting and getting better. Keep up the fight and know you and your son are in our thoughts and prayers :hugs:hugs
Thanks for the posts and messages, everyone and :hugs back at you all! I figured I'd pop in and post an update of sorts, though not much is happening here. The chemo is really starting to get me finally, so I'm learning to work around that now. I'm sore/sensitive all over and my appetite's gone way down too, though I am doing my best to eat as much as I can. I've actually gained weight since my surgery :oops: so it's not really a bad thing to slow down a bit! The tiredness I was struggling so much with at first is better now, though I still feel it, I'm used to it now and learned to deal with it. I.e. rest loads!

It's great to be back here with you all, though I'm not posting much yet, I'm around more and I'm enjoying it so much! I missed my BYC family when I was off. Love you all :hugs

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