Reminder that coyotes are in urban areas


Rhymes with 'henn'
11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
South Puget Sound
I live in a city of 200,000 people, and we're bordered by smaller cities all around. We've got a couple of highways crossing town but also many greenbelts.

Today I was driving along a 5 lane street that was about 1/2 a mile from a big gulch that is also a spur for the major north-south interstate on the west coast. I noticed some roadkill in the road. As I got closer, I realized it was a coyote. This was only about a mile away from my home... and my chickens!

Think you don't have coyotes in your neighborhood? Don't be so certain. I just did a quick search and found lots of blog posts from people near me who have seen coyotes near their homes. It's pretty likely that there are coyotes in your alley, in the local park, in nearby greenbelts, and ...?

Lock up your coops. Keep your flock safe. I know I will be extra vigilant!!
This is a hot topic for me, since a few weeks ago we had our first ever coyote attack - came into the yard at 5 pm, right up to the coop door, and took a chicken.
We live in the country and hear the pack at night, but never had any enter our yard until now. Perhaps it sensed our lack of a dog now.
We use to have an over abundance of coyotes our 6 new neighbors moved in we thought that they would go away.
The other night I was sitting on the back porch and I could hear a small pack howling about a mile away. Guess we were wrong.
We live right off a main highway in between towns. I haven't SEEN any coyotes yet, but the neighbor insists they're here. 2 nights ago, I was sitting on my porch having a beer and what do I hear? HOWLING. Like an eerie hair raising howl too, so it wasn't the neighbors dogs at 1am.

Coyotes are definately a dangerous and deadly predator--even for small children. I've heard of more than one report on them attacking small children in urban areas. Very scary to me. We rarely hear them here, but I know they are here.
I live in the middle of the very urban Columbus, Ohio, and we have a male coyote that lives right in our neighborhood, so they are definitely in cities!
I've seen them on the bike trail that I ride to work on. I always wonder if they might be rabid... but I suppose the local newspapers would be on top of that.

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