Remove aggressive chick or the hurt chick?


8 Years
Oct 9, 2011
I've got three 8 week old chicks and today I discovered the dominant chick pecking another one on the butt. When I inspected the pecked chick, her butt was bloody. So, I removed and treated the hurt chick.

Some thread say to isolate the aggressive chick to knock her down the pecking order and other threads say to keep the hurt chick isolated to heal and be safe... which should I do?

I tried both versions today for a short while -- the hurt chick seemed tired and relieved to be alone; the aggressor seemed really agitated and not at all happy about being alone.

In another 6 weeks, these baby girls will be introduced to my other three 2 yr old hens who all have mild temperaments (yes there is a leader, but she's not aggressive) so I'm thinking the pecking order will be reestablished then anyway.

In the meantime, I do feel inclined to keep the two separated.

Keep the hurt chick separate until she's better. Put the aggressive one in with the older hens for a bit. They will sort her out quickly.

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