Repeated Coccidiosis Corid Treatments


In the Brooder
Oct 15, 2020
Hi all.
I have 6 pullets. Weeks ago one was in big trouble, not really able to pick up her head, pale, puffed up. I hadn’t seen any blood...

We treated the flock with ‘severe outbreak’ dose of Corid for 5 days, then the ‘preventative’ dose.
While in the preventative mode, another chicken got sick, another still; ‘severe’ dose was given again for about 6 days.
We have been on the preventative dose for probably a week.
This AM I saw a poop blood. It looked different than the other cocci poops. It was like the blood was not mixed. I’m not certain which chicken it was. None of them appear ill.
Could blood in poop be from anything else?
Can Corid be given too long?

I’ll start them on full strength again, but if it is coccidiosis again, how in the world can they stop getting it?!
I have been cleaning their water dish daily. Their food appears clean. I JUST cleaned out their coop.

Also, is it possible one ate something sharp? I have found pieces of glass in the dirt more than once.

Thank you for any insight in advance.
Please post some photos of the birds and the poop you are seeing.

What dose of Corid have you been using? Do you have liquid or powdered Corid?

I am using powdered Corid.
Everyone is hanging out together. None appear sick.

They are 24 weeks old. None have laid eggs.
There are 2 BO, 3 EE, and 1 Silkie.
I have two photos of one EE because there isn’t a great view of her in the group photo.
Also, they are still eating starter/grower crumbles. Should they be switched to layer feed? Could that have anything to do with it?
This is my first flock.

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Also, is it possible one ate something sharp? I have found pieces of glass in the dirt more than once.
I am using powdered Corid.
Everyone is hanging out together. None appear sick.

They are 24 weeks old. None have la eggs.
There are 2 BO, 3 EE, and 1 Silkie.
I have two photos of one EE because there isn’t a great view of her in the group photo.
Also, they are still eating starter/grower crumbles. Should they be switched to layer feed? Could that have anything to do with it?
This is my first flock.

That much blood in the poop, I would be concerned, but it's good that they are all eating/drinking and active.

I would check everyone's vent (butt) to make sure there's no injury that could be a source of the blood.
If you found glass in the dirt, yes, one or more could have ingested it and that is a possible source as well.

If you haven't done so, I would make poultry grit (crushed granite) available free choice.

You could try a sulfa antibiotic to see if that makes a difference.
In addition to a sulfa drug, your birds should be eating layer feed by now. However, it doesnt have anything to do with the blood in the shed intestinal lining.

Here's a link where you can buy SMZ-TMP. Use a pill cutter to quarter the tablet into 4 pieces and give one piece orally to each pullet showing blood in feces. Give 5 days straight. Sanitize waterers with ammonia, not bleach. Provide freshwater for them to drink after sanitizing the waterers. Ensure waterers are feces free thereafter, use ammonia to sanitize as needed.
Thank you for the responses. I really appreciate it.

What would the Sulfa drug be targeting?
I wash out the waterer with dish soap and water. Is that enough, or must it be ammonia?

Also, I checked all of their vents, and I don't see anything unusual.
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I ordered a Sulfa drug and I’m hoping it arrives soon.

Since Monday (today is Saturday), I have given the flock 1.5tsp powdered Corid/gallon. That was five days. There was one chicken with bloody poop... until this morning. It wasn’t perfectly normal, but there wasn’t obvious blood.

Question is, now what?

My first concern is that the prophylactic dose won’t cut it. My second concern is that these birds have been off (very little) and on (often) Corid for a month; I’m worried that the medication itself will cause problems, like nutrient deficiency (particularly thiamine).

Second question is, can Corid be given too long and/or cause subsequent problems for the flock?

I have been boiling their waterer every night; giving them a fresh batch of Corid every morning. I have cardboard under their roost in their coop that I remove and replace each day.

The floor of the coop is otherwise covered with Pine shavings, and cleaned out 1-2x a week.
The ground in the run is dirt. I ordered sand and it was delivered yesterday to put on the ground on top of the soil. I’m doing this in hopes of better drainage/less moisture on the ground for oocytes to live. It’s ‘all purpose sand, or mason’s sand from a farm co op, if interested.

To complicate things, I’ve been hoping to move my Silkie chicks in with the flock. They are 3 months old now. One had sour crop and is getting miconazole for the last day today. The generic Monistat3, has worked, by the way (I used the Walmart version as it’s only inactive ingredient was vegetable oil).

Third question is, when can I move the littles in with the bigs? I plan on putting a dog crate in the run to ease them in. Would today be a good day to do that after fresh sand has been laid?
I’ll bring them indoors at night for a week or so, I think.

You have been so knowledgeable and helpful for me and my birds. Thank you.

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