I want to try to go to this

Hey everyone! We recently got a Gray Tree Frog, and I just want to clear up a few things about caring for her.

We currently have her in a 10 gallon glass aquarium with a screen lid, but we plan on upgrading her to a much bigger (and taller) tank later. We have a reptile water dish (Exo Terra) that we fill with fresh chlorine free water regularly.

So concerning substrate, is plain coconut husk fiber sufficient, or should it be mixed with something else?

As for humidity, would misting the tank with a spray bottle twice a day be sufficient? Should we install a hygrometer in the tank?

We've been feeding her crickets. We got the small sized ones from a local reptile store. I've been reading up on gut-loading, should we be feeding the crickets nutrient rich food (such as Fluker's) as well as dusting the crickets with Reptile D3 Calcium? And if so, should they be dusted every one or other feeding?

Our Gray Tree Frog appears to be fully grown (somewhere around 2"). When feeding, can you feed too many crickets in too short a period? We usually feed her about 2-4 crickets, but we try to give her a minute to digest each cricket before offering another. Should we be doing this? Is there a threat of feeding her too fast (we hand feed her)?

Should we be supplementing meal worms and/or wax worms into her diet? And if so, how often? Should they also be dusted with D3 Calcium?

I want to add some sticks into her enclosure from outside. Should these be disinfected?

Is there a threat in adding fake plants to her enclosure in the future (like her trying to eat them)?

We are not supplementing with a UVB bulb as I've read Gray Tree Frogs don't need them as long as they have indirect window light (as she does).

If we ever decide to purchase additional female Gray Tree Frogs to add to her enclosure, is there a threat of them not getting along? How would you introduce them? If they had 10+ gallons of space each, would they likely fight for more room?


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