Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

Thank you all @Miss Lydia @DucksBySurprise and @thumper650

I was just feeling so overwhelmed this morning...I think the feeling is more like, helpless that I am trying so hard and nothing is working, and angry that someone would neglect them like that to begin with. I had to go to TSC and walmart today and scouted around for ideas and I found some. I started trying to think more about how I can help them with their limitations rather than having the mind set that they will get better. Maybe they will still, but maybe they won't. Anyway, I took a peek in the toy section in search of ideas and found some doll items that got me thinking. If they don't improve enough, my SO and I are going to try to build little ducky rollers (like the little round rolling play chairs you put babies in)! So I went home feeling a little bit better about future plans for them and then when I got in and saw their sweet faces peeping up at me I felt reassured. I changed their bedding and food and water and got them all settled in for the night and I noticed that TWICE Smeagol stood on her own, even if it was just for a minute. I am hoping that by handling her more and more I will start understanding how she's trying to operate better. Gollum was standing VERY tall on her hocks today too, so I still think there may be hope that she'll be up on her feet...maybe. I put a couple toys in their pen for more stimulation in hopes that they'll move after them. So, the update isn't all bad. Thanks for letting me vent- more updates to come :love
Thank you all @Miss Lydia @DucksBySurprise and @thumper650

I was just feeling so overwhelmed this morning...I think the feeling is more like, helpless that I am trying so hard and nothing is working, and angry that someone would neglect them like that to begin with. I had to go to TSC and walmart today and scouted around for ideas and I found some. I started trying to think more about how I can help them with their limitations rather than having the mind set that they will get better. Maybe they will still, but maybe they won't. Anyway, I took a peek in the toy section in search of ideas and found some doll items that got me thinking. If they don't improve enough, my SO and I are going to try to build little ducky rollers (like the little round rolling play chairs you put babies in)! So I went home feeling a little bit better about future plans for them and then when I got in and saw their sweet faces peeping up at me I felt reassured. I changed their bedding and food and water and got them all settled in for the night and I noticed that TWICE Smeagol stood on her own, even if it was just for a minute. I am hoping that by handling her more and more I will start understanding how she's trying to operate better. Gollum was standing VERY tall on her hocks today too, so I still think there may be hope that she'll be up on her feet...maybe. I put a couple toys in their pen for more stimulation in hopes that they'll move after them. So, the update isn't all bad. Thanks for letting me vent- more updates to come :love
This post brought me to tears!! Bless your heart for taking them in doing so much for them. I watched your video of them swimming, and the one with the spinal cord deformity swimming around was too sweet. Any animal with such a severe deformity usually doesn't survive long, but with you she at least she is surviving WELL! If you're ever feeling crappy, you can know that there is at least one person who thinks you're amazing for what you're doing!! Me!!
Thank you so much @DucksBySurprise and @Miss Lydia

They are still doing alright- Gollum is getting very strong and seems only slightly inhibited by her legs and still walks on her hocks. I try to stretch the legs and move the joints but they are still so stiff that I can't tape/brace them and I'm not sure that they'll loosen up at all. They are still getting their B complex (and I doubled the dose with no ill affects). Smeagol is still falling over a lot, and with her hip the way it is, one foot is very turned in. I don't know if I can brace for this without having to move the whole hip? She can stand for little bits of time and can walk/hop little bits with help but that's it. One thing that has me bothered about her is that her breathing seems very labored sometimes. Especially when she's trying to walk or eat. She seems healthy otherwise, so I don't know if the breathing is due to her deformity maybe squeezing the lungs so she's not getting full capacity? Any ideas?

I tried making a few different bracing devices yesterday to no avail, but it was quite entertaining. I'll have to post some photos.
I wish I lived closer to you. I would try to help you exercise those little darlings. The club foot should straighten out if you can find something to affix it to. And yes we would like some pictures!!

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