Rescued abandoned chicken - has white butt, barely eating, watery yellow poo w black pieces

Found it in my hometown! Was asking for chicken de-wormer so no one had it...but ask for Safeguard for horses! :) and voila! Thanks for showing me what it looks like! Saves me a three hour drive! So I just take 0.5mls out per 2.2 pounds ...a little over one full ml...and put it in the chicken's mouth? is that the easiest way to get it inot them?
That's how I do it!

Thanks Kathy! I'll give it a whirl when I get home! My Thelma is alive because of you.
I know she is still in recovery...but it's wonderful to see her enjoying life again!
Thats great :) wrap her in a towel may make it easier to give it to her. Do the other chicken as well. Retreat after 10 days and don't eat the eggs until two weeks after last treatment.

Poops are getting back to 'normal' - and Thelma seems to be doing fine. There is peace in my heart knowing that she is not suffering. It's hard to express how much appreciation I have for all of you who took the time from your life, to help me understand and help this abandoned hen. It truly warms my heart and helps me believe in the goodness of people. It's pretty cool...

What I think saved her?
1. Tube Feeding.
2. Bringing her inside.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) added to water.
4. Small amounts of hamburger
5. Calcium
6. A bunch of caring people from around our planet.

1. Deworming
2. ACV

Shelly, Thelma and Louise.
I'm so glad to hear she is doing better. The people on this site has helped me out when i needed it, including Kathy that is on this blog. :) I have learned so much from them. Its a great place. :)
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I second theoldchick! With TLC everything else will follow. Thelma will love you in return. I wish you two a long and happy Crazy Chicken Lady companionship. Now be careful...chickens become addictive. In a couple of years you could have your own chicken horde.
YES! There is a knowing! I am hooked! Funny how a couple of hens can get you through a tough day! They are funny!

I found this under Thelma this morning. I had found one in her egg before. I think this is a part of the problem and just wanted to share. (Didn't eat the egg)

The girls aren't laying...I think they are senior but they are safe here.

Thanks again everyone!

Love and light,


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